Twenty Six

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Travis smelled like caramel and strawberries? It was a nice combination honestly. I didn't realize he unbuckled my bottom strap again. He then lifted my mask and kissed me. I smiled in the kiss and kissed him back. He gently wrapped his hands around my neck and he gently played with my hair.


I couldn't help but unbuckle his top strap while he didn't realize it. I gently pulled him prosthetic out of the way and I held it around his neck in my hands. His hands were firmly grasped on my waist. He didn't care about his prosthetic being off. He actually was keeping eye contact with me which made me a blushing mess. I finally pulled away to breathe. I chuckled and rested my face in his neck.


I gently played with Travis' hair while he rested on me. He wasn't asleep because he would've dropped my prosthetic and he wouldn't be arched away from me. After a while he said, "You realize you came back after school is almost over. Right?" He chuckled and leaned away from me. I nodded. "Yeah, I only came back because I had enough of the shit my other school put me through and my dad." Travis nodded. "I see." He then handed me my prosthetic back. "I need to get to class. Lunch break is probably over." I nodded. "What class do you have?" I looked at him and he started walking and I followed. "Chemistry." I chuckled and nodded. "So do I." He smiled and we walked in. "Just to mention, we have chemistry with Larry and Ash. So be aware." I nodded. "Thanks. Should I sit by them? I'm kind of nervous." Travis rolls his eyes. "For someone who is now tall, and looks dominate, you're acting like a bottom." He chuckled and walked away into the chemistry room. I started blushing under my prosthetic. Why is Travis so hot?!? I sighed and walked to my locker to grab my bag. I opened it then grabbed my bag. I then closed it. I sighed shakily then I walked towards the chemistry class. I awkwardly opened the door and walked in. It's funny, this is the only class I've attended today. "And why are you-" The teacher turned to me then looked shocked. Everyone did except Travis. I looked at him and he mouthed, "B.O.T.T.O.M" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Welcome back Sal!" The teacher smiled and I focused on him again. "Oh-Uh- Yeah. I'm back?" I awkwardly stood there and just stared at him. "Well, take a seat anywhere that's empty." I couldn't bring myself to sit by Ash and Larry even though I really wanted to. I grumbled and walked over to Travis. He chuckled and I sat down next to him. "Shut up." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

Halfway through class I really had to piss. I awkwardly raised my hand. "Yes Sal?" Travis rolled his eyes and mocked him. "May I use the restroom?" He nodded. "Sure, just be back soon." I nodded. Before I got up I stared at Travis. "Don't go through my shit, dickwad." He stared at me and rolled his eyes then mocked me. "Shut up and go piss dumbass." He shooed me and I walked away.

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