Twenty Two

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I couldn't do this shit anymore. Being bullied every, single, fucking, day. For MONTHS. It's almost been a year, and I can't do this shit anymore. No one here likes me, father doesn't give two shits, I've got enough money to move back. I could pay rent and get another job back at nockfell to continue to pay rent. At least people in nockfell are used to seeing me. A lot of adults actually like me. I couldn't stand it here anymore. Being shoved around even though I'm their same height. Failing classes, not eating, and not feeling comfortable. Ever since we fucking moved here I haven't felt comfortable. I just want to go home. Not here. Nockfell. My true home. I couldn't deal with all the shit here anymore. I was currently walking home from school. It hurt to breath with every step I took. It hurt to move in general. I just want to see Larry again.. And Travis.. God I miss Travis. Compared to what he does, it's nothing compared to this hell hole. I can't stand it here. I feel like I could fall and die at any moment. I probably could. I finally made it home and dad was on the couch, drunk. Before I walked in my room he stopped me. "What's with your arms Sal? *hiccup* I mean look at you! *hiccup* your bruised everywhere!" I rolled my eyes. "Like you care!" He then forcefully grabbed my wrist. "I always fucking care about you Sal." His breath made me want to gag. "NO YOU DON'T!! I'VE GONE THROUGH HELL EVER SINCE WE FUCKING MOVED HERE! AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I yanked my hand away from him. He stared at me like an idiot. "Don't raise you voice at me! I've done everything for you! *hiccup* don't fucking treat me like shit because your weak!!*hiccup*" I had it. "You know what?! I'm fucking done!! I'm leaving." I glared at him with hatered in my eyes. He stared at me. "What?" I rolled my eyes. "You heard me. Fuck you." I then walked into my room. I grabbed some boxes I had in my closet and I started to pack. Everything.

I was finally done and it was like 10 pm. I still had my keys in my pocket and I started carrying boxes into my car. Father didn't even try to stop me. He was in his room.

I finally got all the boxes in my car and I left some clothes and junk behind. I finally carried gizmo into the vehicle and I gently set him down on the passenger seat. "Giz, we're going home." I smiled at him then I started the car. I put in nockfell in the GPS. This is going to be a long car ride. Especially since I'm driving this time.

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