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Cold, wet, sweat. Dripping down my face, my back, my neck. I swiftly wake up. I gently touch my face and sure enough, my scars were all there. I look at my alarm clock. 2:30. I sigh and open the drawer in my nightstand. I reach for the walkie talkie and I sigh. "Larry face?" I wait a few minutes. Maybe he's asleep?- "Sal?" He honestly scared me. I slightly chuckled to myself. "Hey Larry. Had another bad nightmare." I leaned back on my bed and sighed. "Oh, wanna come down? Mom is asleep and you can bunk here tonight if you want." Larry always knows how to help me. "Alright, thanks Lar." I smile and grab my prosthetic. "No problem Sally face. See ya in 5." I turn off my walkie talkie and I gently put it back in my nightstand.

I ended up staying at Larry's last night. I didn't sleep well but Larry was staying up drawing because he didn't want to sleep and he wanted to watch me. It's currently 4th period and we have lunch after 4th. I was kind of struggling to focus during school but I tried to. The bell finally rung and I grabbed my bag and I walked out of the classroom. I walked over to my locker to put my bag away.


I saw Sal walking over to his locker and Larry wasn't around, so.... I walked over to him. I quickly shoved him into his locker. "Travis?" God I hate him. "Why the fuck did you help me yesterday you fag!!!" I heard Sal sigh. "Because it's the right thing to do Travis." I instantly punched him in the stomach. He quickly moved his hands to hold his stomach. "Maybe next time, don't help me!!! I don't need your fucking help Fisher!!!" I shout at him and stomp away into the cafeteria.


I watched Travis stomp away and I sighed and shut my locker. I acted normal and walked into the cafeteria. "Hey Sal!" I sat down once I got my tray. "Hey Larry." He smiled and it made me feel a little better. "Hey Sally." Todd waved at me then continued to eat. Ash started talking to me about girl drama.

"Dude I'm scared I'm going to get Travis for the chemistry project." I complain to Larry and Todd because they were talking about the Project that's going to start tomorrow. Tomorrow is finally Thursday. Thursday afternoon we spend time with our partners learning about them. And Friday we start a bit of the project. I don't know about the weekend. "I doubt you'll get Travis, Sal." Todd tried to reassure me. But it didn't work. I mean hey, maybe I won't get Travis...

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