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By the time we got there it was like 2 am. The time zone is different than nockfell. For once, we're living in a normal house. It had 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a kitchen and living room. Luckily it was furnished. We had most of our stuff transported here but we had gizmos stuff and clothes in a few boxes. Luckily our other stuff was already there when we got there. Father said I didn't start school Thursday since its late at night on Wednesday. I wish I had contact with Larry, Todd, Neil, Ash, and.. Travis. But my phone broke yesterday. The only option was to unpack.


Sal wasn't at school all day today. It was odd. I didn't want to go over to the apartments in case he was sick and Larry was there or something. I had to finish the project myself. I mean we were already almost finished so it won't be too bad.


I haven't heard a thing from Sal this morning and he didn't meet up with me and Todd like he usually did. We thought he went to school before us because we did take a little bit longer than usual. But the whole day we didn't see him either. Ash, Neil, Chug, and Maple haven't heard anything from him either. By the end of the day I was kind of worried about him. "Larry I'm sure he's fine! Maybe he just got sick and something happened. Besides, his phone broke yesterday remember?" Todd tried to reassure me while we were walking back to the apartments. "Yeah but todd-" Todd cut me off and rolled his eyes. "Listen Larry, I bet Sal is perfectly fine." I nodded. I was gonna go over to his apartment once we got there. I was too paranoid.

Once we finally got back to the apartments I went up to the 4th floor. Once the stupid doors opened and I wasn't tortured by the stupid music Todd hacked into, I walked to room 402. I knocked first and waited for someone to answer. But nothing. "Sal?" I waited again but still, nothing. My heart dropped and I opened the door. "What?.." It was empty. Besides the couch that it came with, it was empty. I quickly walked to sal's room and opened it. Empty. "SAL?!?" I opened his night stand and my heart dropped more. I gently picked up my walkie talkie and help it. I quickly walked out of Sal's room and out of the apartment. I walked back to the elevator and walked in. I quickly pressed the level one button. I waited for the doors to open then I walked over to Addison's apartment. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. "Larry?" He opened the door and smiled. He moved to let me in. I walked over to his fancy couch and sat down. He walked over to me and sat down too. "What's up?" I looked at Terrance with fear in my eyes. "Terrence.. Where's Sal?"

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