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Me, Larry, and Todd just got to school. I already saw Travis at his locker. Travis hates my guts. I don't know why though. He's hated me ever since I got to Nockfell. Even Larry doesn't know why. I thought it was because Travis had a crush on Larry or something. But Larry said Travis also hates Larry but more than me. So, I don't know. It's probably my prosthetic. No one ever likes it. Or my face. My first "girlfriend" when I was 13 saw my face and she ran away and I never saw her again. I haven't dated anyone since. But also because no one wants to date me. Larry says I'll find someone, but I doubt it. I haven't even told Larry I'm gay. But I plan to sometime. I just don't know when.

"Sal, don't we have like a huge chemistry project coming up?" I blink a few times and think while I grab some pencils from my locker. "Uh, yeah, I think so. It's next week I think." Larry nods next to me. "Do you know anything about it?" I nod. "They plan to partner us up with another person. We have I think like, 3 maybe 4 weeks to do the project? I hope my partner is anyone but Travis." Larry chuckles. "Me too dude. If you get Travis I'm gonna feel sorry for your ass." He pats me on the head and sighs. "I have math first." I chuckle. "Have fun~" I close my locker and Larry grumbled something and walked away. I have class with Travis first. Algebra with Mrs. Packerton. I sigh and walk to class. I open the door and walk in and I gently shut it behind me. "Morning Sal!" Mrs. Packerton smiled widely at me and I nodded. "Morning Mrs. Packerton." She obviously sees me as her favorite. Personally, all the teachers suck ass. I glanced at Travis as I saw him roll his eyes.


I watch as the blunette walks in. God, I hate everything about that prick! He's such a fag and so are all his friends. They're all freaks. God will never love them. And Sal has an ugly mask that he always wears. Seriously, why pick the ugliest colors to be on your face?! White and pink? It's so girly. "Morning Sal!" Oh, not to mention he's a teachers pet. Almost every teacher likes him. It's fucking stupid. "Morning Mrs. Packerton." But God.. Why is his voice.. What the hell? Sal then starts walking to his seat and I saw him glance at me so I roll my eyes. I then rested my head on my palm and I thought. Why did I start thinking about Sal's voice? I mean, yeah, he has a deep voice... Nothing else.. Right?

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