Twenty Eight

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"Mom?" She should've been home by now. Father wasn't here either. I looked throughout the whole house, and neither of them were here. "Hello?!?" Nothing. I started to panic. I quickly grabbed the home phone we still have. I dialled mom's number. It rang and rang.. Then it cut off because it rang for too long. I then dialled father's number. Nothing. "What the fuck?!?" I started shaking. I then sighed and dialled the only other number I knew. Sal's. It rang about two times and he answered. "Hello?" I smiled at hearing his voice. "Hey Sal.. It's me Travis." I sat down at the kitchen and told him what was happening. I then heard the door start to open. "Shit! Sal I have to-" father stared at me in the eyes. "Who the fuck are you talking to?!" Mother walked in behind him. "Is it the cops?! Tell me right now Travis!!!" He walked over to me and shoved me off the chair. I held my stomach in the pain and stared up at him in fear. He then kicked me in the ribs. "ANSWER ME BOY!!!" I started crying in pain. Mother quickly walked up next to us and gently out her hand on Father's shoulder. "Honey.. Calm do-" he then shoved her to the ground. "Don't tell me what to do you bitch."


I listened in horror as I heard Travis' dad beat the shit out of him and his mother. I then hung up. I called the police station. "Hello? This is the police department." I sighed shakily. "Hi. My names Sal, someone needs help. Instantly." I then continued to talk. "Travis Phelps. Kenneth is abusing Travis and his mother. Right now." "Alright sir, how do you know?" I sighed. "I was talking to travis not even 5 minutes ago. His father got home and started shouting at Travis. I heard Travis hit the wall. Then he shoved his wife on the ground." I hope this is enough proof. "Alright. We'll send police there now. They'll be there in like 5 minutes." I nodded even though she wouldn't be able to see it. "Thank you." She then hung up. I stood up and put my prosthetic on. I walked out of my room and quickly put my shoes on. "I'll be back giz." I quickly walked out of the door and I made sure I had both my car keys and my apartment keys. Which I did. I locked the apartment then I quickly walked to the elevator and stepped in.

Once I got there the police were already there. I quickly hopped out and Kenneth was in the back of the police car. I walked up to one of them and they looked at me. "Did you call?" I nodded. "Your lucky that you were right kid. There's an ambulance on the way now. They're inside." I nodded and walked towards the house. I opened the door and the other officer was there. They were sitting at the kitchen. I walked over to Travis and I gently put my hand on his. He turned and looked at me. He quickly got down and hugged me tightly. "It's okay now Travis." He slowly fell to the ground so I followed him. He was crying. I gently played with his hair as he cried into my chest.

"Travis you'll be fine. Your mother is going with you too." I chuckled as he was scared to leave my side even though he needs to go to the hospital. He and his mother need stitches in some places.

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