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Louis Tomlinson

Harry parks the car and I look at the restaurant.

If this isn't a date, I don't know what is

Oh my god

Do I even look good?

"Is- Is this okay? I just, It's nice. Fancy. Good food, I checked the reviews." Harr rambles

I reach over and grab his hand for a second.

"It's great. Let's go in."

We go in. A waiter greets us at the door and Harry says, "The name is Styles". wait, he made a reservation? When?

"Table for two, top floor?" The guy asks

"There was a request for White Wine.  Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc to be specific" Harry says quickly

I gasp a little and stare at him. The waiter nods then says, "Follow me, gentlemen"

We follow him to a set of stairs, then all the way to the balcony floor to a small table. We sit and he leaves for a second... only to return with a big bottle of white whine. 

"Harry, this is-" I try to compliment but another waiter walks over. The table waitress. 

"What can I get you two to drink besides the wine?" She asks as she lays out menus

"Glass of water" Harry answers

"Same for me" I politely smile

She nods and hurries off.

"Want an appetizer?" Haz asks. I ignore his question and get back to my 'thank you' speech.. 

"Haz, this is really... this is amazing. and.. and thank you. This place is really nice. It's really nice of you to bring me here." I gush. "Only the best for you" he responds as he dares to glance up at me, just before letting his eyes fall back to the menu.

"Appetizer?" He repeats. "Whatever you want sounds good. M'not picky" is my response

After ordering an appetizer and opening our wine, we start actually talking... about Leprechauns, specifically. Technically: Niall is secretly a leprechaun, Where do they hide their gold? Why at the end of rainbows? Are they mean? 

The appetizer arrives. Harry ordered sautéed veggies with this buttery-mango sauce. They were so good.

After that, we ordered the main meal... I got the fish and chips while he ordered some type of pasta that I couldn't pronounce the name of.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now