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Louis Tomlinson

"Uh... are you okay?" Niall asks as soon as he sees me

"Mhm. Why?" I ask, my eyes daring him not to talk

He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head, dismissing the subject

I bite my lip hard as I walk. Fuck I need a Tylenol.

We walk... well, I limp as everyone walks ahead of me, to my rental and we all pile in. I sit carefully and Harry snickers from the passenger seat. I shoot him a glare as I shut my car door and start the car.

"So... where are we eating?" Niall asks immediately

"Wherever." I shrug

"We already had McDonald's so lets go to an actual restaurant, please." Liam says

"Yeah, I want fancy food!" Zayn says

"H? Use the GPS to find us a restaurant, please, my love" I say and bat my eyelashes at him. He snorts at my sad attempt of being cute then says, "You ain't gotta beg."

"We heard him begging the other day, Harry. Don't act like you don't like it." Zayn says. Niall groans and Liam high-fives Zayn.

"Don't bring that up" I whine

"It was your fault for being loud" Harry shrugs

Not even Harry is on my side. What the fuck. 

"Okay, there's a nice restaurant like 10 minutes away. Good reviews and everything." Harry says about a minute later. We put the location in and the GPS instructs me which way to go. 

We arrive a little late because I took a left turn when it said 'go right' but it wasn't my fault! I couldn't hear the damn thing over Niall's loud cackling and Liam shushing him and Zayn singing and Harry had the radio turned up. So when we got there, it had been like 15 minutes instead of 10 but Niall was the only one who seemed to notice because he was apparently 'starving'.

Inside, we got a big table in a separate party-guest room so we could have some privacy while we ate. 

"My name is Benji. I'll be your server this evening. What can I get you all to drink?" 

"Uh, I'll have an ice water." Liam says politely

"Champagne, please." Zayn says

"Watermelon Margarita. Extra salt, please." I say while reading the little 'drink mix' card on the table. "Excellent choice." Benji says to me.

"Ice water and a glass of red wine" Harry orders

"I want a really, really big Margarita. The blue-mango one." Niall says. Benji nods and writes everything on his little pad.

He hands us all a menu then leaves to get our drinks.

"Excellent choice" Harry mumbles as he picks up his menu.

I look over at him and a small smile spreads onto my face. "You're jealous?" I ask

"Jealous? Of that guy? ha. I don't even remember his name" Harry deadpans

"Oh, it was Benji" i say with an innocent smile

Harry sets his menu down and looks at me.

"Really?" he says, a knowing look in his eye. He certainly knows I'm just messing with him.

"Yeah. Benji. His eyes were brown. Did you notice that?" I say with a smirk

Benji returns with all our drinks. He hands them out and smiles at me when he gives me mine.

"Hey, Benji, was it?" Harry suddenly says

"Uh, yes sir. You need something else?" He politely says

"An ice pack. My boyfriend's bum hurts from riding me just before we came here." He says as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

My face turned white as a ghost then red as a tomato. I cannot believe this. Oh my god. Oh my-

"We- uhm, I can, uh, make an ice pack. S-sure." The guy stutters then turns and literally runs away.

"Harry Edward Styles!" I say and smack his shoulder.

Niall bursts out laughing, Liam and Zayn joining him right away, and I just stare at my boyfriend and try to hide my grin.

"I cannot believe you just- You fucking.." My grin appears and he laughs. My cheeks are still beat red and hotter than hell but I can't stop the smile on my lips.

A few minutes pass and a different waiter comes over.

"Hi, my name is Jack. Your other waiter went on break, so I'll be serving your table. Have you decided on what you'd like to eat?" He says politely

We all laugh harder, knowing that our waiter went on break because of us is amazing but SO embarassing.

"Sorry, we, we just need another minute. Please" Liam stops laughing for long enough to speak

"Sure. Be back soon." Jack says before hurrying off

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now