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Louis Tomlinson

Does Harry like me? What if he did?

Could we be... could we even be?

Fuck. Fuck! Everything is confusing. Everything is so-

"You okay?" Harry's breath against my neck tickles. I'm still sitting, laying with my back against him. His arms are tight around me. My hands are on his hands, my fingers gently trace over his knuckles.

Zayn had left the room to go to bed, claiming he was still tired from last night. Niall had fallen asleep. Liam was awake and having a quiet conversation with Harry. And... well... I've just been laying here, thinking, and contemplating everything.

"Babe?" he whispers again

Oh shit. Must've zoned out again.

I look up. Liam has dozed off, his head tilted to the side. I turn my head so my cheek is flush with Harry's but I can see him now.

"What?" I ask 

"I asked if you were okay" he explains

"Yeah, no, yes. I'm good. Just... thinking." I admit. I let my hands tighten on his hands and he smiles a little. Not a happy smile. A soft, gentle, caring, and maybe a bit worried smile.

"I promise. Don't worry. I see that look." I quickly add

He just nods then hides his face further in the side of my neck and just under my jaw. I smile a little and shut my eyes. I want moments like these to last forever.

I want all my moments with him to last forever.

"Wanna go?" he whispers

Once again, his breath and voice make my skin tremble

"Will you..." I let the first two words slip out of my mouth, but I stop myself from fully asking what I wanted to...

"Carry you? Cuddle you? Yes and yes... if that's what you want" he says and his lips move just over my skin

"Yeah. Both." I whisper

He nods. His hands slide down to my sides. He grips firmly and lifts. I twist so I face him. My legs and arms go around him. Now I'm sitting right against his waist. He lifts me as he stands. For a second, I worry he may drop me... then his large hands place themselves right under my bum.

Not on my thighs.

He readusts me, boucning me a little to make sure he won't drop me, then he turns us to the door and starts walking. I let my fingers find the soft curls at his neck as I lay my head on his shoulder... and I see Liam. Awake. Watching.

He shows me a soft, knowing smile.. and I just nod and shut my eyes.

It's only dinner time... and we're all asleep, that tells you how tired we are. Even Niall. He's always hungry, but he's in bed.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now