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Louis Tomlinson

"Haz." I whine

Liam, Niall, and Zayn all groaned, all annoyed while Harry just giggled.

"Come on! It isn't funny! I want to know what you were saying!" I say, for probably the 5th time

"Louis, he isn't going to tell you!" Niall says

"Yeah, give up, mate" Liam adds

"I know what he said." Zayn brags

I lay my forehead down on the table beside my plate of food. I have barely even touched it. We're currently sitting in this restaurant for lunch. I just want to know what H and Z were talking about in Fucking French but they won't tell me. They're both teasing me, every chance they get, and Niall and Liam are just annoyed and grossly in love.

Don't get me wrong, they're adorable. But. Gross. Gross because I'm in love too and can't be like them.

"Fuck" I grumble

"Here, love, eat" Zayn says as he nudges my side with his elbow. I turn my head to him and open my mouth. He stabs a piece of chicken from my salad and puts it in my mouth.

"Thank you" I speak as I chew.

"Of course" he gives me a soft smile. I was annoyed because he wouldn't tell me... but his smile just makes everything melt away. He's just... Zayn. That's just how it is with him. Can't be mad at him. Ever. It's fucking dumb, and it's like, his super power or something.

I look over and see Niall frowning and Liam looking at his lap... then I notice the guy with a camera at the window outside on the sidewalk.


Of course.

"Fuck that. Fuck the stupid paparazzi. Such a bullshit job, stalking people" I rant quietly

Harry, who is sitting across from me, slides his foot up my shin, making me just stop talking completely. I smile a little and take my fork and start eating. I glance up and see him looking at me with such... content? Fondness? I don't know.. but it makes my cheeks pink, whatever the look was full of.

"Why can't he see, I want to tell him," Harry suddenly says. Zayn coughs, choking on his food a little, and I snap my eyes right back up to Harry.

"Zayn said 'tell him'. I said 'Je ne peux pas. Il ne ressentira pas la même chose.'" He continues

"What's the last thing mean?" I ask gently

Is he talking about me?
He must be, right?
Or was he just speaking on behalf of Niall and Liam?
Because they're secret.
They're boyfriends but can't tell anyone.
Is he talking about them? Me? 

Could it ever be me?

"That, I can't tell you. Sorry." He goes back to eating. I look at Zayn. He has occupied himself with his food aswell. I look past Z, to Niall and Liam, and see them sharing smiles. Smiles that scream: I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T 

Damn it.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now