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Louis Tomlinson

We read over the requirements needed to be registered for adoption. We read the age requirements, money requirements, certain restrictions, and different things needed for the age group of a child.

"You think we can do it?" I ask as I turn the next page

"We do meet all the requirements" Harry nods

I look up at him, letting our blue and green eyes meet.

"Could we do it, though?" I ask

"Yeah... I think we can handle a kid." he says and shows a soft smile. I return the smile then lean up and peck his lips three times.

"I think we can to" I whisper

I end up getting the phone number for the child caretaker, Melinda, and calling her to discuss the whole adoption topic. We talk about the requirements, and yes, we do meet all of them. We talk about the restrictions with Harry and I's jobs and lives since we're famous and that's sort of a tough environment for a kid but Melinda tells me she thinks we could take care of the situation just fine. It doesn't matter that we're not married. It doesn't matter that we're two men in one home. And... the conversation ends when Melinda gives me a date to come up to her office and sign some paperwork.

"We're really doing this" I whisper as I hang up with her

"Yeah, we are" Harry smiles

"We're filing for a little girl, right?" I ask, getting hopeful

"Right" He grins and pulls me into his lap. I tangle my fingers in his cut hair and massage his scalp. He hums and leans up into my touch.

"I love you, Harry"

"I love you too... always have. Always will" he promises


Today is the day. We're going down to sign paperwork to adopt a child, a little girl to be specific..

"Hazza, wear something nice!" I call from the bathroom

The door swings open and Harry peeks in at me. I'm in the middle of styling my hair.

"You're cute when you're worried" he giggles

I roll my eyes and pull him over to kiss me. He hums against my lips. I pull back.

"Get dressed. Look nice. Go." I order

"Yes, Mr. Tomlinson. Damn, I love it when you act all controlling" He pecks my lips one more time then leaves the bathroom. I just roll my eyes and look in the mirror again.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now