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Louis Tomlinson

We finished our sandwiches and she offered to drive me to the hotel so I didn't have to walk or catch a cab.

She parked and I grabbed my phone.

"Want to do it now?" I ask. She nods.

I pressed call on Simon's contact... It rings twice. I tighten my grip on Eleanor's hand and... he answers

"Louis Tomlinson" he greets, sounding kind of surprised

"Hey, Simon! Eleanor is here with me" I say

"Oh, okay... is... Is something wrong?" He asks, unsure and confused

"No, actually, we were just calling to get your permission on something" Eleanor says

"What is it?"

"I want to go on tour with Louis. Zayn takes Perrie around sometimes... and we were thinking I could go with him?" She asks

"We just, we would need help with the extra plane ticket bill, sir" I add

"Uh, sure. I could pay for the extra ticket. Don't make it a waste of money, though" He warns

"It won't be! Thanks so much, Simon, really" I say

"Good to know you two are getting along." Simon says honestly

"It is, innit" I grin and look over at El. She's smiling wide.

She's actually really pretty

"Thanks, Simon." She chimes

"Of course. I'll text you the ticket details, Louis. Gotta go. Stay out of trouble"

"Okay. Now that that is over with, I'll go" I smile

She nods and unlocks the car doors so I can get out

Now or Never

Now or never

now or never

"El..." I start

She hums in response and looks at me curiously

I take a deep breath and lean over the center console. I gently cup her cheek and she smiles a little just before our lips touch. I shut my eyes and leave my lips on her for a few seconds then pull away.

I open my eyes and find her blushing furiously.

"Get packed and ready for the flight. It's tomorrow" I say quietly

She just nods.

As soon as I'm out of the car and inside the hotel lobby, I frown. I frown and look at my feet as I step into the elevator

I just kissed a girl

I just kissed a girl who is also my girlfriend

And I'm still in love with a boy who is my best friend and my ex boyfriend

What the fuck am I doing?

As soon as I get to the highest floor, I run out of the elevator towards Liam and Niall's room. I knock hard on the door. I could just open it, I have their spare key, but I don't want to walk in on anything like that one time...

The door opens and Liam stands there wearing comfy clothes with bed hair and tired eyes.

"Louis. Hi. You okay?"

"I fucked up. I know it isn't really my fault that pictures got posted of us, but I left him for a girl. You're right, Liam. What you said, you said he'd rather be with me than be in this life. He loves me, right?" I rush out, my voice shaking horribly

"Can I fix it? I know I already fucked it up but, but, Can I fix it? Liam?"

He stares at me for a second the just pulls me into a hug. A big bear hug that Liam is kind of known for. He's like a teddy bear. Always has been.

"I don't think so, bud" He whispers

"W-why?" I ask

"He's... he's on a date"

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now