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Louis Tomlinson

"Hi, I'm... I'm Eleanor Calder" She says as she sticks her hand out

She seems nice enough. She's got brown hair, a small smile, big eyes, and she's shorter than me. She's wearing a white shirt, a black jacket over it, a beanie, black pants, and short wedged boots.

"Louis Tomlinson" I say quietly as I reach out and shake her hand

As soon as our skin touches, I feel guilty. Like I am completely betraying Harry.

"Nice to meet you" She says, showing another soft smile

"Yeah, you too" I mumble as I drop my hand back to my side

Simon claps a hand onto my shoulder and says, "You've got an hour before this show starts... I think you can take 15 minutes to go outside. Right?"

HIs voice sounds like venom to me. He wants me to go outside just so the fans will see me with her. He wants me to be upset about this.

"I... I need to get my wallet from Niall. Then, sure, no problem" I say and turn on my heel. I job back to the room where I left everyone..

"Paul, in front of the door. Don't let anyone in, please" I say as soon as I'm inside.

He nods and stands in front of the door

Harry walks over quickly. I throw my arms around his neck and push my lips onto his.

The kiss is hard but so, so slow.

Tears slip down my cheeks as I inhale through my nose, taking in his scent.

"I'm so fucking sorry" I mumble against his lips

We pull away, just barely so that our foreheads and noses still touch.

"Never be sorry" He whispers

"I have to do this... I'm doing it for you. It's all for you."

I pull away and turn to Niall and Liam.

"You two... Please, never let this happen between you two"

The two just silently nod, confused. I walk over to Paul. He moves out of the way and I leave.

I leave Harry behind. I leave Niall and Liam back there. Zayn. Lou. Paul.

I wipe my cheeks, making sure there are no more tears to show, and I approach Eleanor Calder and Simon once more.

"Got it. Now I can buy us a... a coffee or something." I smile. It's the fakest smile ever, but I'm trying.

"Good lad" Simon says

I nod and look at him again.

"I'll forever hate you for this... but as long as you keep your word, I'll keep mine" I say, my eyes hard and cold

"I never back down from my word" He says, his stare is just like mine. Merciless.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now