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Louis Tomlinson

I force myself back to my own hotel room.

I stumble lazily into the bathroom and look myself int he mirror

Forget him

Forget everything you had with him

He's your friend. That's it.

He's your band mate.

Harry Styles.

He's seeing a girl. Going on a date.

Not your ex. Not your boyfriend. Your friend.

I push words I don't want to hear through my head over and over, hoping to make myself believe them

I fall face first onto my bed. 

We leave for the airport tomorrow at 11. I'm already packed. 

I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I curse under my breath and roll over so I can get it out.

I got a couple notifications from TLC

I unlock my phone and open the newest article.


1D member Harry Styles seen with Kendall Jenner in New York City. Also, Mr Styles got a haircut! His long hair has been cut back up to what fans call the 'prince harry' length.

Anyways, he and Ms Jenner were seen getting out of a big silver/grey van and entering a fancy night club. People outside the club say the two were 'smiling at each other'. One witness also reported that they seen Harry Styles lean down and say something quietly to her that made her laugh before they went in.

Could the boy band member be going on a date with the Jenner?

Is he still with Louis Tomlinson?

Are fans still not letting that little secret-slip up go between the two band mates?

Are fans still not letting that little secret-slip up go between the two band mates?

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He's seeing Kendall Jenner... wow. 

and he got a hair cut... but... he really is with a girl now.

Like me.

I bite my bottom lip and click on the second notification. This article is actually about me and Eleanor. Is this all TLC writes anymore? Damn


One Direction member Louis Tomlinson out again today with girlfriend Eleanor Calder. They've been together for just over 5 weeks now. They were seen at a minigolf course this evening, then they were reported to be at a Sandwich shop afterwards. 

It's looking like some Louis fans are starting to lighten up about her. A post on Twitter today was shared around a bunch about the two.

A fan posted a picture of the two and said "Honestly, they're cute together. Look at Lou's smile"

Maybe she will be excepted by the thousands of fans a little easier than we thought?

Let's hope so!

My phone pings again. This time, from Instagram. Eleanor posted something.

I click on it and open her profile.


Took this picture a few days back. We got matching glasses. x


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I smile and click the comment button...

@Louis_Tomlinson comment: We're so cute!  #PowerCouple x

I repost it to my profile and hope Harry sees it...

Something in my chest fuels a bit of anger towards him.

I tried to explain myself. I tried to give reason to my actions. He just said "We don't work" and fucking walked away.

That's it. That's all I get?

After everthying?

It's bullshit

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now