649 11 4

Louis Tomlinson

Everything was so amazing last night.

Not today.

I was woke up because my phone was going off like crazy. I was still laying in bed, completely naked, cuddling a completely naked Harry. Would've been really great if I hadn't woken up because of my phone.

I grab it from the nightstand and see 'IRISH ASSHOLE' flash across my screen.


I answer it

"Niall, the hell is wrong?"

"Get on Twitter, Facebook, snaphat, Instagram! Any-fucking-where! Dude, you are so fucked" He shouts


"Last night! Oh god, just... just get online!" He groaned.

I hang up and sit up quickly. Harry groans. I don't even care. I unlock my phone and click on Instagram and scroll, looking for anythign about me trending...

No... Oh my god.

I open my facebook and go to my notifications to see what i've been tagged in... there are hundreds of photos and posts...

I go to TCL and the first 8 things are about me... but not just me... It's about Harry and me.

"Harry, wake up! You've gotta get up, Babe!"

He sits up, looking freaked out, and I pass my phone into his hands. He stares for a second then just shuts his eyes. There is absolutely zero emotion on his face. None. Nothing.

"B-babe?" I whisper, my voice breaking a little

He suddenly turns my phone off, sets it on the nightstand, and grabs me. His lips form to mine hard. I melt right into his touch and kiss back just as softly.

"I love you" he whispers when he pulls back for air

I don't have a chance to respond because his lips are right back on mine, now letting his tongue slip into my mouth. I push my tongue against his, licking and nudging his. We both pant from not getting enough air but never pull back.

His arms wrap completely around my lower back and hold me while my arms cross around his shoulders.

"I fucking- I love you" he mumbles into my mouth, making the kiss slightly messy

"I love you too, Haz" I manage to say back as he sucks on my bottom lip.

In the middle of our really long makeout session, I feel something wet drip onto my arm. I frown and bring both my hands to sit on his cheeks. Sure enough, there are tears steadily dripping down to his chin. I kiss him harder, making sure both of our mouths freeze and just stay together, and take a deep breath in my nose. A soft, heart breaking sob escapes his lips and I feel my throat tighten.

"We're gonna be okay" I whisper as I part my lips from his

"I promise" I add the last part as I just pull him into my chest, hugging him close and holding him tight. The sheet is all bundled up in our legs and we're still undressed and laying on his bed. Both of us have morning breath and a sligth head ache from last nighst drinking. My hips hurt from last night's other activities but we really do not care about any of that shit.

"I love you, Louis Tomlinson" He whispers into my shoulder

For some reason, that felt... different.

The way he said it, the way we kissed for so long... it all feels different.

"I'll always, always love you, Harry Styles"

Why does this feel like the last time we'll be like this together?

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now