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Louis Tomlinson

"Hey, can you take our picture?" Eleanor politely asks a girl standing by herself.

"Oh, of course." She nods and takes the phone

"We're gonna pose. Okay?" I ask

"Yeah, sure, tell me when"

El and I hold our minigolf clubs, I stand behind her with my arms around her.

"Okay" I say.

The girl counts down from three then takes the photo.

"You two are super cute together" She compliments as she hands the phone back

"Thanks! And thanks for taking the picture!"

"Aw! Look at us" I smile as I look over her shoulder to see her phone

"Can I post it?" She asks

"Of course. You don't need permission" I giggle

@ EleanorJCalder:

@Louis_Tomlinson  minigolf date!! <3

@Louis_Tomlinson  minigolf date!! <3

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We do our last few little games of mini golf then get hungry, so we decide to leave. We get in her car and I turn on the radio. I smile at the song and start to sing along with it..

"My baby don't mess around because she loves me so and this I know fo-show!!"

Eleanor laughs and sings along with me.

About halfway through it, my phone rings. I turn the radio down and answer my phone without checking the caller ID.

"This is Louis" I say as I press my phone to my ear

"Hey, Lou!" Oh, It's Lottie

"Hey, sis! What's up?" -I hold my phone away from my ear and look at Eleanor. I mouth "IT'S LOTS" and she nods

Lottie talks to me casually for a few minutes... then she says, "How's Harry?"

"Fine, I think. Not sure. Why?"

"Just... checking. Everyone's wondering, ya know"

Eleanor stops the car at a sandwich shop. She points outside, silently asking if I need a minute, and I nod. She steps out and I sit in the car to talk to Lottie in private.

"Lottie, you know the situation" I say finally

"Yeah, but.. I don't know.. did anything change?" She presses on

"No. I'm dating Eleanor." I say stubbornly

"I'm gonna call Harry" She sighs

"No. Don't."

"Why? I do, almost every day"

"You what?"

"Shit! Nothing, Lou. Gotta go. Sorry. Tell Eleanor I said hi" 


She hung up. I grumble and stuff my phone back in my pocket then get out.

"So... Ohio" She says as we sit down and wait for our sanwiches to come out

"Yeah. You excited?"

"What do I wear?" She giggles

"uh... I don't know. I think it's pretty warm there." I shrug

"Pack for all occasions. That's what I do" I add

She nods and then our food gets placed in front of us. We start eating and talking and joking... then she says, "How's Harry? It.. uh, was kind of weird when he greeted me yesterday"

"uh, he's... good. yes, I'll admit, I was shocked... everyone was"

She nods and puts a pickle slice in her mouth that fell out of her sandwich.

"You got pickles? I didn't" I whine

"How're you about the whole... Larry thing?" She asks a few minutes later

"Honestly..." I sigh, "I love Harry. Always have. Always will. He was my best friend and my boyfriend. I wanna fix the bond we broke" I answer

"That's not a direct answer"

I sigh again and sip my coke.

"I... I think I'm okay" I admit

I feel so bad admitting that, though... but after the talk we had, I kind of... 

I kind of just think I'm okay.

He's right, El and I work.. Him and I... we did too but.. differently. And maybe that was good. Maybe it was bad. Maybe we'll never know.

But... Liam's words still stick in my mind... Maybe Liam is right. Maybe I gave up too quickly.

"Really? You're okay?" She asks

"Harry told me the other night... He said we didn't work... he said we don't work behind closed doors and... well... maybe that's true. Maybe... maybe we work" I say and look up at her

"We?" She asks, a soft smile finding her lips

"Yeah" I nod, "us"

 a little unsure..

She smiles a little wider and looks down.

"He told me that me and you just click and... I think that's true." I add

"Me too" She looks back up at me..

Now I see that sparkle. The one Liam says is in my eyes...

I see it in hers.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now