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Louis Tomlinson

The next show we did was really fun. There was several water fights between me and Liam, Niall's part in Midnight Memories was the entire highlight of the show because he did so well, Zayn forgot some of his words but it got the crowd singing even louder, and Harry and I said "Je t'aime" to each other and everyone cheered. Apparently a lot more people knew French at this show but that's fine. We don't really care.

At the end of it all, we crowded into the SUVs and got our driver to take us to a bar.

Yes, a bar. We're finally all old enough to drink in America and have been just about dying to go drink together.

We find a fun club with loud music and lights and loads of people so we wouldn't be recognized so easily then we went in. We all made plans to try and stick together, not to do anything incredibly stupid, and to make sure to tell at least one other person when we're leaving or text the group chat.

First rule or half ass sticking together didn't completely work. Liam and Niall were off on their own immediately. Zayn was with his girlfriend. Harry and I stayed together.

We got two shots each, just to start, then we each got an actual drink before going to the dance floor.

We spun around and laughed and just had fun for probably 40 minutes before going back for more alcohol. 

"How about... Oo, Watermelon Sourz!" I grin

"You get way too drunk on those" Harry laughs

"But they are so good" I whine. Eventually, he gives in and we order the colorful drinks. By the time Harry has finished his first, I'm finishing my second and moving on for my third.

"Hey, hey, let's drink slow" He offers before the bartender comes over

"Drink slow?" I laugh. He just nods and puts his now empty glass down.

"Let's dance again"

I let him take my hand and he leads me back to the floor. The stinging watermelon flavor still sits on my tongue and makes me want another drink but I stay with Harry.

Instead of an upbeat, fun song, A sexual song comes on... and the several shots, pint, and Sourz in my system start to take affect. 

Don't get me wrong, I am far from drunk. Just tipsy. Buzzed. Plus, I'm really happy. So, I just dance and let myself free.

I wrap my arms around Harry's neck and pull him close. His arms slink around my waist. We both bend our knees a little to sway and rock and turn and grind to the music. Yeah. Grind. I felt his thigh slip between my legs and I just went with it. I dropped my head to his shoulder and we continued moving to the beat.

"F-fuck" I curse under my breath. Harry's grip on my sides seems to tighten and I feel his mouth just above my ear, his breath feathering out into my hair.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now