890 18 2

Louis Tomoinson

I knock on Niall and Liam's door. Yeah, I knocked this time. There's no way I'm just going in, like last time. Ugh. Gross.

The door opens and Niall grabs my hand and yanks me in. "NIALL WHAT THE-" I shout as he shuts the door behind me. I almost fell on my face! 

I spin around. He's standing with Liam, both of them staring at me


They're still staring... with smirks... oh fuck

Immediately, I slap my hand to my neck, covering the many red-mouth shaped marks on my neck.

"H-Hey, guys" I smile

"Did anything happen? Those are from H, right?!" Niall asks frantically


"Did you two fuck?" Niall asks, earning a slap on the arm from Liam for being vulgar

"No, we just... just this" I motion to my neck

"Is his neck just as bad?" Liam asks, obviously kinda worried people will see

"Worse" I answer, remembering how I bit and sucked and kissed all over his neck, making him move his hips into mine and-

Fuck, I can't think about that right now. I'm in front of my best friends.

"Uh, so, tell us how it happened!" Liam says as he sits on the edge of his bed. Niall joins him and I stand in front of them.

"We were just... we were dancing." yeah, gonna leave out the 'grinding on each other, I moaned his name' part.

"And then we came back here and paps took loads of pictures but we didn't care." I left out 'he was holding my hand'

"We came up to the room, to go to bed, and we were changing then..." I grin to myself. He had told me not to call him crazy.

"He kissed me. Then we just... continued." I giggle a little

The two in front of me are both grinning, pretty much fucking beaming rays of pride.

"You two finally got it through your heads that you like each other" Liam says

"Love each other, actually" I mumble

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now