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Louis Tomlinson

Carter is Harry and I's baby... we decided we wanted to have a baby that was actually us. We were so happy adopting Delilah that we got a surrogate. (We paid someone to have a baby that is made with H and I's sperm)

And now we have little Carter! He looks more like me than he does Harry, honestly.

He's got my blue eyes, my nose, my ears. He got his mom's blonde hair... but he got Harry's stunning smile.

 but he got Harry's stunning smile

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I walk into the kids' shared room and lift him out of his baby bed. He continues crying but softens up a little.

I clear my throat and start to sing the first thing that comes to my mind, which also happens to be my song 'Only For The Brave'. It's about how I felt four years ago when I was stuck keeping my feelings for Harry a secret.

"Pour mercy mercy on me, set fire to history. I'm breaking my own rules, I'm crying like a fool. Tall stories on the page. Short glories on the fade. I been close enough to touch, but i never cared for love"

He calms down a lot. His big blue eyes stare up at me curiously.

"It's a church of burnt romances, and I'm too far gone to pray... It's a solo song, and it's only for the brave"

I sway slowly. He breaks out a little giggle when I scrunch up my nose at him. I raise him carefully and sniff. Nope, doesn't need changed.

I carry him out of the room, up the hall, and enter the living room. Everyone has only met him once or twice since we brought him home. He's only 7 weeks old.

Everyone 'awww's' as they see us. Delilah waves and says, "Hi, bubba"

"Did he need changed?" Harry asks as he exits the kitchen. "Nope. Just woke up." I smile

He leans down and pecks Carter's head. He looks at me and kisses my cheek. Then he walks down the hallway and enters the bathroom. I catch myself staring after him and I qucikly turn my head back to face everyone.

"You still have that look when you see him" Niall grins

"What look?" I ask

"The 'I'm so in love with Harry Styles' look" Liam says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"They're right" Anne teases. "You've always looked at him like the world stopped spinning, Louis"

I look down at Delilah.

"We love Daddy" She chimes

I grin.

"Yes we do, and he loves us back. Right?" I say

"Right!" She grins. 

Her tiara is tipped over on her curls and her bow is messed up. Her soft eyes are brown with green in the centers. Her curls are a mess from playing. Her smile is big and crooked because she's loosing her baby teeth.

She's so pretty. I'm so glad we adopted her.

I look at Carter. He's still awake, just wide eyed and looking at everyone around the room. He's so small... So freaking tiny in my arms.

His cute little white shirt is baggy on him. His diaper has Mickey mouse on it. His little feet have blue and green socks covering them. He's even got dimples, just like Harry.

I look around the room. My whole family, sitting in one place, minus a couple sisters on both sides of the family

Niall and Liam are holding hands, both with engagement rings.

Zayn has got Khai in his lap. His girlfriend couldn't make it but that's alright.

Harry has come out of the bathroom and slipped back into the kitchen to cook for the family.

Our daughter is turning three.

Our son is 7 months old.

We're married.

I love the way everything has turned out.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now