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Louis Tomlinson

"I cannot believe I just did that... I'm so sorry. If we lose our jobs because of me-" I start to ramble as soon as we're all in the car together. Liam looks back at me from the driver's seat and says, "Honestly, Lou, you said what we were all thinking." 

I sigh and put my hands over my face. Harry sets his hand on my thigh and moves his thumb in slow circles.

"Think about it this way, If we do lose our jobs, we can just form a new band" Harry tries to lighten the mood. I just sigh into my palms and shut my eyes tighter.

"He can't fire us. We're making him too much money." Niall says from the front.
 "Yeah, he won't actually fire us. He'll probably just be more strict." Liam agrees

I hope they're right.

"Hey, want to get food?" Harry asks

"Just have it delivered... I don't want to move" I mumble from the bed

He sighs and walks over to sit by me.

"Selfies?" He asks

I raise up a little. Taking pictures with him always cheers me up... and we haven't taken pictures as a couple yet.

I grab my phone and scoot over by him. I open my camera app and hold up my phone.

He pushes his lips to my neck, just below my ear, and his breath tickles my skin. I raise my eyebrows and take the picture.

"We look good" He mumbles as he gently nips at my ear

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"We look good" He mumbles as he gently nips at my ear.

For the next, he kisses my cheek and I grin.

For the next, he kisses my cheek and I grin

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How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now