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Louis Tomlinson

I'm not ready to let him go, I never will be... but I feel like I actually have to.

I've shown Eleanor to the public too much, but I have to.

I've said the words "She's my girlfriend" too many times in my life now

I've secretly kissed Harry, but not enough to soothe my crave for him.

I've cried to everyone about it, including Eleanor, Paul, and Lou Teasdale.

I've silently cried to myself too many times to recall.

It's been three days since I've hugged or kissed Harry now. We see each other, exchange broken smiles, and go on. Eleanor has been in my life for a full two weeks now...

and it's hard.

Nothing has ever been harder than this.

I've called my mom and Lottie and explained everything. Harry told Gemma and Anne aswell.

Interviewers are told not to bring up 'Larry'. If fans bring it up to any of us, we just politely skip the question and go on. It's just... not talked about anymore.

Certainly not forgotten, just ignored.

Not by the fans. There are still tons of posts on social media about it. Tons of questions. The pictures of Harry and I still float around a lot. 

But... now, with Eleanor in the picure, if anyone asks about it, I calmly say, "I have a girlfriend."

Like, if someone said, "Is it true you and Harry dated?"

Then I would say, "I have a girlfriend. Her name is Eleanor"


"You and Harry kissed! Larry is real! We know it"

I just calmly say, "My girlfriend's name is Eleanor" and dodge the situation completely

I think Harry does the same thing... I seen a video the other day that a fan posted. She apparently ran into him on the street and recorded her conversation with him. It went like this:

"Oh my god, Hi!" 

"Oh, hello" he greeted

"Can I ask you something?"

"Uhm- sure"

"You and Louis looked so cute together and so natural. Why would you break up? Was it forced?"

"Uh- Would you like a photo? Or a hug? I'm in just a bit of a rush"

and she gave up on the question, got a hug, then left.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now