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Louis Tomlinson

"Haz, I... I kind of already have..." I whisper

"Just like you, I'm kind of miserable. I mean, I have a girlfriend for fucks sake" a stupid laugh escapes my lips. Harry snorts and pushes his hair out of his face.

"Guess we're kinda dumb, huh" He laughs. "We're apart for no good reason"

"Yeah, we are... Liam was right" I sigh

"What'd Liam say?" He questions

"He told me you'd rather be poor and waking up beside me than be apart and keep this job... which is pretty much what you just told me so... he was right"

We spend a few minutes just smiling... Just smiling and looking at each other.

I hadn't properly looked at him in weeks...

he's beautiful

I uncross my legs and shuffle over to him. I notice how he takes a deep breath as I sit in front of him between his legs.

I go to move forwards, to lean in, to kiss him... but he turns his head slightly to the side and I freeze.

"Your girlfriend in 8 rooms down" he whispers

I sit back on my bent legs.

"Sorry.. I just.. you can't cheat, even if you don't love her" He says again, a little more confidently

"No- I... I understand. I get that. Sorry i tried to do- this..." I whisper and push myself up to stand. He stands quickly after me.

"Are- are you leaving?" He asks

"I... I don't know. What do we do now?" I mumble

"Don't leave. We need to talk to Simon... right? Or- or... if you want to." He stutters

I reach forwards and put my hands on his shoulders. He doesn't move, just stares into my eyes.

"I want to be with you... No matter what Simon says, right?"

"Right" He whispers, "No matter what"

"Let me talk to Eleanor, then" I nod slowly

He nods too.

"Don't... don't let go yet" he says quickly when i start to take my hands off of him

I freeze exactly where I am.

"I won't. Not until you tell me I can. I won't leave." I promise

He leans his head down and pushes our foreheads together. I slowly move my hands from his shoulders to his neck and shake my head a little so our noses bump. He breaks into a smile, and I bite my bottom lip.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now