953 19 1

Louis Tomlinson

I woke up in Harry's arms and all the memories of last night came flooding back. The kissing. Hickeys. Everything.

"Hazza.. Babe, move. I've gotta pee" I mumble 

He slowly unhooks his limbs from around me. I giggle and peck his nose before rolling out of bed and walking to the bathroom. I use the toilet then turn to the sink and mirror.

Holy fuck

I knew we did hickeys... but this is... woah.

I gently run my fingers along my neck, tracing the red marks that trail down to the tattoo that spreads across my chest.

I smile a little then wash my hands and splash some water on my face before brushing my teeth. I smile bigger at myself, making sure my teeth look nice, then I go back to the bed and fall into it. Harry groans as the bed moves.

"Meany" He mumbles

"Love you too, asshole" I laugh

he rolls over and curls up into a ball against my side. I smile and run my fingers through his hair.

"Check, see if Niall or Liam or Zayn ever answered the group last night. Wanna make sure they got back safe" He mumbles

I nod and reach over to get my phone off the nightstand. I open it up and click on the group.

Nialler: You guys went home SO early!!!!! wtf???

Nialler: Come back to the bar!

Daddy Direction: We were uspposed to be having fun! Why'd u guys leave?

Daddy Direction: *supposed

DJ Malik: Stop blowing up the group chat!!!

Nialler: Sorry, Z. Lou and H left.

DJ Malik: it's fine. just call one of them. 

Daddy Direction: Niall, did that guy just buy you a drink?

Nialler: yea

Daddy Direction: Flirt your way into a second drink, babe! i want a long island on the rocks

DJ Malik: Why do u have your bf flirting with dudes?

Daddy Diection: To. Get. Me. A. Drink. DUH caatch up

DJ Malik: ok. Muting the group. Perrie and I are leaving PEACE


DJ Malik: Thanks Dad *eye roll*

--DJ Malik has muted the Group Chat--

Nialler: Coming back over with your drink, Liam.

Daddy Direction: See u in a sec. Thanks beb

Daddy Direction: Louis, Or H, when u guys read this, Text us so we know youre' good aswell.

I smile at the messages. God our friends are idiots. I look over at Harry. His head is raised enough that he was reading along with me

"Liam really had niall flirt with someone to get him a drink? wow" he giggles. "Yeah. I hope they didn't blow all their cash." He nods then tells me to text them back. 

Lou: First, we're fine. We just wanted to go back to the hotel early. 

Lou: Second, Liam why tf did you make Niall flirt to get you a drink. That's so weird.

Lou: Third, is everyone safe and breathing?

-Niall is the first to respond

Nialler: Li and I are good! We don't remember a damn thing from last night but we know we got in sometime around 4am... :)

Lou: Z?

Nialler: Louis, we need to talk!!

Lou: K but not now. Can u get in touch with Z?

Nialler: ill make Liam do it. Come talk. 

Lou: Bring Haz?

Nialler: no. come. now.

Lou: I'm not dressed. hold your horses. B there soon.

Nialler: Soon!

I look over at Harry. He frowns. "Kiss before you go?"
I giggle and lean down, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When I pull away, I grin even bigger. "While I'm gone, get up and brush your teeth. Also, get dressed. Je t'aime, Sun"

"Got it. Je t'aime, Boo-Bear"

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now