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Louis Tomlinson

After all the rehearsal, getting earpieces, outfits, make up, hair, and sound check, we were about to do the show. Fans were everywhere outside, some still getting their places, finding seats, and buying merch... Some got lucky enough to bump into us while we were sneaking through the crowds, so they got a hug and a quick 'hello' but nothing more since we're so busy.

Backstage, Niall and Liam are cuddling on the couch. Zayn is in the bathroom. Harry and I are talking.

"So... Nervous?" he asks. I shrug. "Not like we haven't done shows before, Haz. Why?? Are you nervous?"

"N-no. Not really." he shrugs aswell

I frown, obviously not believing him, then I see his eyes quickly shift to the couple on the couch then back to me. Oh.

I give him a soft smile and take his hand in mine. I lead him to his little dressing room and make him sit on the couch while I stand in front of him.

"What's going on?" I ask

"Just... wanting everything to go well, honestly"

I nod. Just nod. Then I sit down next to him. Immediately, he leans over and sets his head on my shoulder. I lean my cheek against his curly mess of hair and smile a little.

My Hazza

We run out on stage singing Steal My Girl. The crowd goes absolutely crazy. It's fun. We run around, sing our hearts out, and I manage to steal as many looks at Harry as I can without being obvious since have thousands of people in front of us.

I can't help but notice Niall fondly watching Liam for a few minutes... then everyone noticed Niall fuck up his lines because he was 'zoned out'. He was actually undressing Payno with his eyes but we don't talk about that ;)

We stopped singing for a bit and started reading signs and just talking to the crowd... then Harry suddenly put his mic to his lips and spoke. 

"Pourquoi ne peut-il pas voir?" (Why can't he see?)

Everything was silent... except for a few screams and cheers, spread out over the audience.

"Je veux lui dire"  (i want to tell him) he speaks again

Niall spins around and looks at me then mouths, "I BET IT'S ABOUT YOU"

"Harry, mate, what are you on about?!" Liam asks

"Yeah, what do you want, mate?" Zayn asks

"Nothing" Harry shrugs but sends me a smirk

What the hell did he say?!

"Dis-lui" Zayn says

Everyones eyes go kinda wide.

"You too, Z?" Niall asks into his mic. Zayn ignores him and points at Harry then repeats himself. "Dis-lui"

"Je ne peux pas. Il ne ressentira pas la même chose." Harry says, but his voice sounds more upset, and the reaction of the crowd that does understand the two is a very upsetting 'awww'

I turn towards the crowd, still wondering what the hell is happening, and I point at a girl I seen do the sad 'aww' like she understood the French.

"You! What're they talking about? Can you understand them?" I shout into my mic and point at her. She nods frantically... She cups her hand around her mouth, ready to yell, but I'm suddenly being drenched in water.

I gasp and spin around. Liam is giving me an apologetic look as he tosses his now empty water bottle to the ground.

He pushes both our mics down, so the crowd can't hear, then he says, "Ask Harry later."

I frown.


"Just... ask. him. later."

We get back to singing but Harry keeps slipping in random things in French... Zayn smirks every time. He even winked at me. He fucking winked at me.

What is Hazza saying?!

Why didn't I pay attention in the French class in school?

We take a little break... meaning I sit the fuck down while Niall and Zayn talk to the crowd, then Harry ends up walking over and handing me a water. I nod as a thank you as I take a drink.

"What were you saying?" I ask immediately

He shrugs and shows off his usual smug grin

"Come on, H! I wanna know!" I complain

"I'll tell you soon" He promises before taking the water from me, having a quick drink, then going to Liam.

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now