664 11 5

Louis Tomlinson

Niall's drink came out later than everyone else and we wondered why...... and oh my god.

 and oh my god

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It was big

He immediately took like three big gulps and coughed. "It's sour as fuck" He laughed but then took another drink.

We all used a straw and tried it. He's right. It's sour.

My margarita was cute and small and sweet -Like me! I like mine better than his. 

We all ordered our food and talked and ate hot rolls while we waited for the meals to come out. Our topic shifted from 'do fish sleep?' to 'Simon is an asshole' and everywhere inbetween.

When the food came out, Niall asked them to bring him another really big margarita because he was about to finish his first. Jack was hesitant but went to make him another.

"Niall, are you already tipsy?" I ask as he dropped his fork on the ground 

"Uh- a little. Just buzzed" he grinned

"Who's driving?" Harry asks as he sips his wine

"Me. I'm the only one who didn't order alcohol" Liam says

"That means we can all order as much as we can afford!" Zayn cheers as he downs his champagne

After a few drinks, a really lovely meal, and tons of laughs later, we paid and left...

Niall ordered three of those big drinks. He drank the first two on his own, then split the last with me. I had three little margaritas and the last half of his big one.  Harry finished half a bottle of red wine. Zayn... we don't even know. He had a lot.

The alcohol in my system added heavily to my limp. I leaned on Harry and held onto his arm as we walked out of the building.

"Where'd we park-- the car?" Niall asks, burping as he spoke

"Ew, that's gross" Liam mumbles as he half carried the blonde

"Sorry" Niall giggled, not actually sorry at all

"WOO HOOO" Zayn cheered as he grabbed a lamp post and swung himself around it

"I WANNA TRY" I yelled as I shoved Harry away and ran towards the light post. Harry burst out laughing as I clung to it. 

"Guys! Get off of that!" Liam called then turned to H. "Go get them!"

Harry walked over and, instead of following orders, he grabbed on and we all started running around it.

"GUYS" Liam hollered

"Can I try?" Niall asked lazily

"No, love, we're going to get in the car." Liam says gently

After a lot more yelling, we left the light post alone and started to follow Liam and Niall. About half way down the side walk, Zayn tripped and grabbed me. My limp plus being drunk didn't help me hold us up, so we both went tumbling down. "Ow- Fuck!" I cursed as I scraped my arm on the cement.

"mate, ye- okay?" Zayn asks as he sits up next to me

"Shit, yea.. it's bleeding" I mumble as I look at my scraped up skin.

"Shit... Harry, hold Niall" Liam says as he passes the blonde over into Harry's arms. Harry has to lean against the building to hold Naill up. Liam walks over and grabs Zayn and easily pulls him off the ground.

"Go to Harry" he instructs. Zayn nods and stumbles to the next most sober. Now Harry has an arm around Niall's lower back, holding him up, and has a tight grip on Zayn's forearm.

"You okay?" Liam asks as he crouches in front of me

"Yes, dad, I'm good" I giggle

He grabs my hand and pulls me up. He keeps one hand in mine as we walk back to the group. He grabs one of Niall's hands and Harry keeps Zayn and we continue our walk.

Finally, we reach our car.

Liam puts Niall in the backseat and pecks his cheek then takes Zayn and shuffles him over to the other side. He pushes him in to the middle seat and he leans on Niall.

"Harry, you get in- Harry?" Liam looks around, confused, then he sees Harry running to me

I laugh and take Harry's hand. 

"We wanna take a selfie!" I tell Liam

"Well, hurry up!" He groans

I get my phone out and hand it to Harry. He takes the hat on my head and turns it backwards. I laugh and pull him forwards.

The kiss was messy because we were both drunk but he took the picture just before our lips met and we didn't care

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The kiss was messy because we were both drunk but he took the picture just before our lips met and we didn't care. After a second, he shoved the phone into his pocket and grabbed my hips. I gasped when he picked me up and spun me as we kissed.

When he set me down, he said "Messy, but perfect"

I giggled and nodded. I leaned on him as he walked me to the car. I got in the backseat and he took the passenger seat. Niall was already asleep, leaning on Zayn. Zayn grabbed me and hugged me. I laughed and cuddled back into him, then also fell asleep.

This has been a pretty good night...

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now