548 11 3

Louis Tomlinson

We all step onto the plane. My seat is with Eleanor, Liam gets to sit with Niall, and Zayn's seat is with Harry. 

We all take our places on the plane and keep our hats on, hoping people won't notice us. Harry has this old-looking, green beanie on. He's also wearing weird clothes. He's got this big, brown sweater and sweatpants and tennis shoes. Different. 

Niall's wearing a jacket and a flat bill hat and jeans. Normal. 

Liam has got on baggy clothes and some kind of fedora -ish hat. He looks sort of fancy. 

Zayn's got on a leather jacket, ripped up blue jeans, and black shoes. Very mysterious.

 Eleanor is wearing one of my big sweaters. It comes down over her hands and gives her sweater paws. She's wearing light blue jeans and rainbow converses. Kinda...cute.

Then there's me. I've got a zip up jacket, the avocado hat El got me, and black jeans. The jeans remind me of Harry, but I just ignore that...

During the flight, Eleanor leaned her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I watched her for a bit, just taking in the fact that... well, the fact that I have a girlfriend.
A real one.

She's my real girlfriend now... not for the job, not for show...

She's my girlfriend.

The flight is only like 2 hours and 40 minutes long. When we start to land, the turbulence wakes El up.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as she leans up

She nods and yawn. I feel a smile spread over my lips and I catch myself doing the 'sparkle-eye look'. Wow.. it really does happen to me. Weird.

We land 10 minutes later and get our luggage and stuff to get off. We file out of the airplane then wait for the other guys.

Niall and Liam come down first, Liam looking like he too just woke up. Niall grab shis hadn for a second and squeezes it, thinking no one saw. I grin a little. 

They're so damn cute. I'm so happy for them.

Zayn gets off and Harry trails behind him.

We all go through the boring airport stuff then finally rush out the front. People recognize us and wave and take pictures and record but we make it out without being stopped.

We love our fans, but we're busy.

"Liam and I are staying in MacFord hotel" Niall says as he looks for a cab.

"We're in... Slumber Inn" Eleanor says as she reads our card

"Perrie is flying in tonight. We've got a room in a fancy place." Zayn says

Harry clears his throat and says, "My room is at Slumber Inn, aswell"


How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now