833 13 12

-smut warning

Louis Tomlinson

As soon as we're back at the hotel, we separate to our rooms. Liam and Niall didn't have their room door shut before they were kissing. Harry took my hand and lead me towards the bathroom in our room.

"H, what're you doing?" I ask

"We are showering" He says as he shuts the door behind us.

Woah ok

I take off my shirt and slip off my shoes as he stars on his jeans...

When we're both undressed, he steps forwards and tips my face up. I look up at him with my big blue eyes and he smiles for a second before letting his lips push onto mine. We both shut our eyes as our lips barely brush together, sliding on and off of each other in a passionate heat.

"Start the water, my love" he mumbles into my mouth

I pull back and lean over the tub. He puts one hand on my back, traces my spine, then slides his hand down to cup my bum. I bite my lip and get the water to the right temperature before leaning back up and turning to him. He keeps his hand around me, still gently holding my cheek, and he puts his other hand on my hip. I put my hands on his stomach, right over the moth tattoo.

"Your skin is so soft... so beautiful" he mumbles as he leans in once more to capture my lips in a kiss.

We get in the shower, stepping under the water, and he bites his lip and watches the warm water rush over my head and down my shoulders. I turn him gently, making myself step out from under the water and letting him soak in it. His long-ish curls turn messy immediately as the water seeps into them. He flutters his eyes shut as water cascades down his face, neck, collar bones, and further..

I feel myself twitch at the sight, my dick leaning up a little, and I chew my bottom lip in awe at the perfect man with gorgeous green eyes and stunning dimples, not to mention his perfect, muscular body and sexy tattoos that litter it.

I find myself being pushed against the shower wall, half under the water, with his body flush against mine. I feel everything. His chest touching mine, abs touching my tones stomach, hips on hips...

"Let me have you, Louis..." He whispers, his mouth started to attack my neck, making fresh hickeys over the slightly faded ones from the other night.

"Let me have all of you, baby" He begs again

"Of course, Hazza"

Our lips lock again, this time including tongue, and I moan gently against his lips as his hand slides down past my belly button.

His fingers roll around my length and start to pump between our bodies. I gasp and move my hips up, getting more friction in his hand, but he holds my hip back with his free hand, pinning me to the shower wall.

"Let me do the work, love" He insists. I just nod and shut my eyes again, letting the slight pleasure from his hand shoot through my veins.

He starts to quicken his pace and suck on my collar bones at the same time. I bring my arms around his shoulders and dig into his back. He moans as I tug one of my hands through his hair.

"Fu-fuck, H. Squeeze a-alittle" 

He tightens his grip a little each time his hand reaches my head, pushing me closer and closer to the edge with each flick of his wrist. Another minute passes and I find myself saying his name under my breath as the warmth in my stomach erupts and I finish in his hand.

"So beautiful, sounds so good" He praises

I let my head fall back to rest against the wall and he gently pushes his nose along the underneath of my jaw, tickling me and letting little butterfly kisses fall from his lips that make me giggle.

"What about you?" I ask, still a little out a breath. "Can I get you off?"

He bites his lips and smiles softly.

"Since you asked so politely" He giggles

I turn him to be on the wall and sink to my knees in the shower floor. His eyebrows raise, as he wasn't expecting this, and I just grin and wet my lips before kissing his tip. 

I move my hand around his base as I let his head bob out of my mouth, my lips swelling around it, and he shudders and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"You look so pretty with me in your mouth" He compliments as I take a couple inches on my tongue. I swirl my spit around him and hollow out my cheeks, making the suction stronger. He pants and uses one hand to move some of my wet hair off of my forehead.

I put one hand on his hip and thumb at his soft skin, giving myself a distraction as I feel him hit the back of my throat so I don't choke. He taps the back of my throat softly and I shut my eyes.

I keep moving my tongue, letting it swipe along the bottom of his length, massaging around the vein that runs up it, and he curses and breathes out my name as he gets closer to his high.

"A-almost, Lou" He says

I take a deep breath in my nose and take as much as I can. There's only an inch or two that I work my hand around while my lips don't reach it. I feel him pushing down my throat with each fast bob of my head and my eyes start to water. 

"Fuck, I'm gonna, Louis-"

I push down all the way, forcing my nose to meet the soft patch of skin just above his base. He gasps, groans, and cums down my throat. I gag for a second then slowly pull off with a soft smack. A couple tears leak down my cheeks from my eyes watering but I don't care.

I look up at the boy. His mouth is dropped, eyes hooded, and he's panting.

"You're so fucking good at that" He sighs out

I sit back on my feet and wipe my thumb over my wet, swollen bottom lip.

"You're really big" I grin

He looks down and lets his eyes trace all over my face. From my shiny eyes, my flushed cheeks, and my plump lips, then he smiles and says, "How am I so lucky?"

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now