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Louis Tomlinson

We get out the front doors of the hotel and everyone screams. I smile a little because everyone cheers for us. I walk straight for a little group pushed to the front of the crowd. There's a little girl, looking to be maybe 6, and she's crying and smiling and waving.

"Hi, I'm Louis!" I say to her, "What's your name?"

"A-Angel" She whimpers

"Are you a big fan?" I ask. She nods and wipes away at her tears. She holds out a flower, a big white rose, and she says, "This is for you b-because you're my favorite, Louis"

"Oh, thank you so much. Can I have a hug?" I say as I take the rose. She nods and I crouch down. She runs and throws her tiny body around me. I hug her back and pat her hair down. She's so cute. I want a kid some day..

I look up at the people she's with. It's another girl.

"Are you her mom?" I ask

"Sister. Nicole" She says with a soft smile, "Can I take a pictute?"

"Yeah, of course" I nod. Angel is now turning so she can smile for the photo. Nicole gets her phone out so she can take the pictures. I smile and make faces for the camera. I stand, rose still in my hand, and I give Nicole a hug then move to the next people...

After 20 minutes of meeting people and giving tons of hugs, I see a girl with a haircut very similar to mine, short and styled. I step over to her.

"Hey, love" I greet. "Hi, Louis! Can I hug you?" She asks quietly. I nod and open my arms. She gives me a soft hug then pulls away. Kinda fast... hmm. "I'm Monica." "Nice to meet you! Got any questions, anything like that? Want a picture?"

"Uh, acutally, I do have a question" She says as she runs a hand through her hair

"Are you part of the LGBTQ community?" She asks then quickly adds, "You do not have to answer. I just, I know you support it..."

"I am, actually. I'm bisexual, myself." I tell her

"You-... You just, I want you to know that seeing you be yourself and never being self conscious, it just, that helps me be myself. Thank you" She rambles a little and looks at her feet

"Keep being you, love. Doesn't matter who you like, what you like, or what you are. We're all different, that's what's so awesome about humans. We're all different and perfect" I say and pull her into a second hug. "Lovely meeting you" I mumble. "You too, Tommo" she sniffles a little and pulls away. 

I find Harry after that. He's over by Liam, talking to a couple older men, looks like Dad's that drove their kid here. I walk over and brush Harry's arm with my hand so he knows I'm there. When they Dads leave, Harry turns to me.

"Everything okay?" He asks immediately

"Just... this girl, she said I help her be her by always being me... and... I'm not me, ya know?" I mumble

I feel bad. I feel bad because she thinks I'm open and never self conscious and that helps her... but that's not me. I'm terrified of being myself. I just pretend and smile and go on. Hell, I have a secret boyfriend... I even told her my sexuality, which I'm sure I'm not supposed to do.

"She'd understand if she knew..." He mumbles

"Can I hug you?" I suddenly blurt out

He smiles a little and wraps his arms around me. "You never have to ask, Lou"

The crowd erupts into cheers and screams... Harry and I immediately pull apart. We both grin, we just can't help it. Niall is smiling at us, Zayn is smiling and trying to continue a conversation with someone, Liam looks worried but he's got pride in his eyes as always.

"well, shit" I grin wider

"Oops" Harry shrugs

"LOUIS! LOUIS, COME HERE!" A fan girl shouts. I wave to H and walk over. "Hi, lovely!" I greet. She hugs me and we take a picture then she says, "Will you write me a tattoo?"

"You want me to what?" I say

She rolls up her sleeve, exposing her forearm, and she holds up a sharpie. "Write me a tattoo?" 

I'm surprised... Beyond that... but what can I say? I have tons of tattoos. She videos as I take the sharpie and grab her arm. "Okay, I'm just..." I mumble as I start writing. 

I write out Love yourself and put my signature after it with a little x-eyed smile face

"Is that okay?" I ask

"Yes! I'm gonna get it done as soon as I leave here! Thanks, so much, Louis!" She says

"Uh, of course. just, tag me on Twitter." I smile

She grins and runs off after that.

She's gonna have that tattooed permanently ON HER BODY 
Wow. Crazy. but super cool, actually

Another hour or so passes and we have to say goodbye and go back in. We don't really have to but we've already met everyone out there and we're tired so, yeah. 

Once we're all in the elevator, Harry looks over at me and gasps.

"What?" I ask, confused and slightly worried. He moves forwards and puts his ahdn on my neck where my hidden love bites are.

"What, Haz?!" I ask again

"Your hickeys! They're.. they're showing!" He says quickly. The other boys and Perrie all look over and grab me, trying to get a look to see if H is right. 

"Shit! Do you think anyone seen?"
"Where did the makeup go?!"
"Must've been from people hugging me! It rubbed off!"
"If anyone seen-"
"What if people got pictures?!"
"I'm sorry, I thought the makeup would stay!"


How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now