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Louis Tomlinson

After talking to me, the guys ran to my hotel room and told me to stay in theirs so they could speak to Harry. I smile to myself as I open their balcony and walk out. It's not too cold but it's not absolutely hot out. It's nice. There's a soft breeze. I lean on the rail and look out. There are fans. Waving. Paparazzi, taking pictures. I Just look up and enjoy the view. 

20 minutes pass before Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie come in. Apparently they rounded up everyone. Cool.

I come back from the balcony. Perrie greets me first, then Zayn. I smile to both then turn to Harry. He's wearing my sweater, black skinnies, brown boots, and a head scarf...not to mention the purple-ish hickeys displayed on his golden neck.

"Hi, Sun" I giggle

He opens his arms. I happily hug him and he kisses the top of my head.

"Yeah, so, guys... we're dating." I laugh into Harry's chest because I'm able to feel eyes on us.. Perrie and Zayn because Niall and Li already know, obviously

"Harry told me about his ever-lasting love for you a bit ago. Always stared at you, memorizing every detail" Zayn says, pretending to be all dreamy

I laugh and look up at Harry. He shrugs and says, "He's right. I'm gone for you, Boo"

After a while, Paul came up and told us it would be good to go down and talk to the fans and take pictures, give hugs, sign some stuff... then he looked at Harry's neck... then he looked at my neck... then he asks, "What girls got lucky last night and covered you both up in hickeys?"

"Uh" I start. My eyes dart over to Liam. He shakes his head 'no', meaning 'Don't tell the truth'

"Just girls from the club" I shrug, speaking for Harry and myself. When harry doesn't speak, I nudge him with my elbow.

"Oh, right. Yes. Just a girl" He shrugs too. "Uh, I met mine at the... dance floor"

He's such a shitty liar

"i met mine at the bar" I say

"Okay, well, get those spots covered. Wear a scarf or a turtle neck, I don't care, but cover it up" he grins and walks out

I say and sink over, letting myself lay across Harry where we now sit in the floor. 

"I've got some makeup. i can cover those for you guys" Perrie offers

"That'd be great, Thanks" harry answers as he wraps his arms around me

Perrie stands and asks Zayn for their room key. he digs into his pocket and hands it over then pecks her lips as she hurries off to go fetch her make up.

"So... Liam and I are going to this meeting to talk to Simon about us and.. we were wondering what you two are gonna do??" Niall suddenly says

"We, well, we were actually talking about this... We were thinking we could just go with you, since, ya know, we're all in the same boat." I tell them

Liam nods. "yeah, that would work. it'd be good to get it all out at once."

"Kill two birds with one stone" Zayn says from behind them

"Exactly" Harry mumbles

Perrie comes back in with a cute little purse-bag. It's covered in sparkles.

"Who's first?" She says

Harry nudges me. I peck his lips twice then stand and walk over to her. She takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. I sit on the toilet seat, and she grabs the right... color? I guess. I don't know much about make up.

"Head back, please" She says as she grabs this spongey-thing and puts skin tone colored liquid on it. I move my head back and she starts wiping the make up on my skin.

"These are messy... there's lots. Seems like you two had fun" She giggles

I grin. "I've liked him for a long ass time" 

"Last night was you guy's first time, then?" She asks

"no! No, we didn't, it wasn't like that." I am quick to correct her

She raises her eyebrows but nods.

"So... you've done stuff together before?"

"No, I just, I mean, we didn't fuck" I put it bluntly


"yeah" I nod but she taps my chin, making me hold still

6-8 minutes pass and we're done. I look at my neck in the mirror. Can't even tell I'm covered in hickeys. Kinda makes me sad... When I look at them, I remember Harry's lips on mine, on me, his hands... but now they're all covered.

"Okay?" She asks from behind me. I nod. "just... sucks" I sigh. She pats my back then says, "Get Harry in here next. You guys gotta hurry, you gotta go see fans"

I leave and tell H to go in. He kisses my lips then goes. I smile. I never stop smiling because of him

"You two are so love struck" Liam says

"As if you two aren't" I say back, motioning between him and Niall

"Zayn, you're lucky you didn't see what H and I did" I grumble. Zayn rolls his eyes and laughs. "Yeah, But still, I would've been smart enough to kncok"

"That's why Zayn is a better human being" Niall says matter of factly

"Is not! I am!" Liam protests

"You're better than every human being ever" Niall says as he leans back to kiss Liam.

"You two are so love struck" I say in a Liam-ish voice, mocking him. Niall just flips me off and keeps kissing the boy.

"OKAY OKAY I don't want to see any tongues get involved! I'm going to the bathroom with Perrie and H" I say and stand up quickly

"Wait for me" Zayn says as he jumps up to join me

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now