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Louis Tomlinson

After the whole birthday party, everyone gave plenty of hugs then went on their way... Anne was staying in hotel and leaving tomorrow.

Zayn and Khai are going to Zayn's friend's house for the night then leaving tomorrow evening.

Niall and Liam are actually staying with us for the night. They're taking the couch. We offered them our bed, but they were completely fine with sleeping on the couch.

After putting both kids down for bed, we met them in the kitchen, and each had a beer. We weren't going to get wasted, just having one beer over a conversation since it was late, and we were tired but still wanted to hang out.

"You guys excited about the wedding and the adoption?" I ask

"Excited and.. a little nervous" Niall shrugs

"Nervous? You guys watched Delilah for our anniversary and she loved it. You have nothing to be nervous about. You're both great with kids!" I protest

"That was super fun" Niall smiles and sips his beer

"Yeah. She told us all about the shells she collected from the beach" Harry laughs softly

"And Louis told us all about the romantic roses on the bed thing you did for him at the hotel" Liam teases

I smack his arm softly. "Don't tell him that I gossip about him!"

"Harry talks about you all the time aswell, don't worry" Niall says

After a few moments of comfortable silence, I mumble "I really miss this"

Everyone looks at me.

"I miss the band... I miss the switching hotels and running around, goofing off.."

"Me too, mate" Niall whispers

"Life has changed a ton" Liam says

I feel Harry's grip on my side tighten, like he doesn't know what to say.

I know we can not go back to those days because we have kids, husbands, and fiances... But I still miss it.

We never finished it

"We said 18 months" I mumble, now biting back tears

"The fans understand though.." Liam tries to assure me

"They don't. We promised. I promised."

A minute passes... then all of them wrap me up in a hug. We stand there, all holding each other, with me in the middle.

I let a couple tears slip down my cheeks and I made fists as I hold whoever's shirts I have grabbed. I pull everyone closer and let out a muffled cry.

"We're here now, Lou."

"Everything just changed... and that's okay"

"We still got each other. The fans understand, everything changes eventually"

When we pull away and I wipe my tears. Harry keeps me tucked into his side and his hand is slightly under the back of my t-shirt, his palm flattened on the small of my back.

"Hey guys?" I smile softly at what I'm about to say

They all look back to me

I grin and ask, "Does it ever drive you crazy?"

They all look a little confused...

"Just how fast the night changes?" I finish

They all grin with me.

"Shut up, Loueh. You're so cheesy" Niall laughs

"Shh- the kids are sleeping!" Liam says immediately

Niall claps a hand over his mouth and shuts up

"Shit, sorry" he mumbles

"Daddy?" a tired voice asks

We all turn to the kitchen door and see Delilah, teddy bear in hand and dangling at her side, while her other hand rubbed tiredness out of her eye.

"Hey, baby.. Sorry, did we wake you up?" Harry says softly as he steps towards her

She just puts her hands in the air. He picks her up and sets her on his hip.

"Say goodnight to everyone. Let's get you back in bed" He mumbles as he walks her over to me.

She leans over and kisses my cheek and says, "Night daddy. I love you"

"night hunny. I love you too" I smile

Niall walks around and kisses her head.

"You're a perfect princess. don't let anyone tell you you're not"

"night niall. love you"

"love you kiddo"

Liam kisses her hand and says, "Sweet dreams, Birthday girl" and bows.

She blows him a kiss as Harry takes her away, back to her room

I sigh happily and look at Niall and Liam. They're looking at each other..

"I can't wait to have that with you" Niall whispers

Liam leans in and pecks Niall's lips.

Harry tucks away our daughter.

I smile softly and lift my beer back to my lips.

This is how it's supposed to be

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now