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The group chat starts with probably 20-30 pictures, all sent by Louis and Harry... and all of them and their adopted daughter...

Louis: Meet Delilah Anne Styles. 

Harry: We've been working on adoption papers and fitting all the requirements to adopt her for weeks now... we did her room and got her a bunch of stuff and... well.. Meet our daughter :)

-The guys respond within seconds...

Niall: Holy shit! How did you keep this a secret for so long?! 

Zayn: No way!! Guys, that's great! How old is she?!

Liam: Are you guys making this a public thing?! How did you keep this a secret? When did you adopt her?

Harry: We had just been thinking about it for a while and... we just did it. And, Zayn, she's 9 months old. Her mother passed away during birth and her father tried taking care of her but in the end, he committed suicide..

Louis: We just brought her home today. We met her today. But we've been doing tons and tons of paper work and getting the house inspected and preparing for this... and no, we haven't publicized it yet. We want to keep this private for a bit. She's young, we don't want her in the eye of the public just yet.

Liam: Congratulations!! Niall's crying like a baby..

Niall: Fuck you, Liam! i want to meet her!

Zayn: That's so amazing for you guys <3

Harry: You can all meet her soon. Whenever, really. 

Harry: Zayn, we know you've got your baby coming in... what, now? Days? So, we get it. You're busy... and Li, Ni, you guys are all the way in the states... so just whenever you all have time, come meet her.

Louis: Well, maybe give us a bit to adjust.. and her

Harry: yea

Zayn: Yeah, I've been super kept up with Gigi and our little girl. She's due to be here in 4 days.


Liam: Girl? Congratulations!

Harry: i've known *sassy hair flip*



After a really long conversation, Harry and I had to put our phones down because Delilah started to cry. Harry asked if I wanted to get her, but he looked so exicted... I told him to go for it and I just followed with my phone, recording.

He had picked her up gently and rocked her and talked to her... She calmed down almost immediately... I stopped recording when he had to change her diaper. After he got that situation delt with, he brought her to the couch and we all played with toys and she laughed loudly and did baby things. Cute baby things. I ended up turning on the TV and Harry taught her to clap her hands...

god, this really is amazing... like a dream... butI'm so glad it's real.

"I'm gonna invite Eleanor over." I say as I turn to look at Harry and Delilah again. Harry smiles and nods. "Okay! But don't tell her over the phone. Let's surpirse her"

I nod and grab my phone.

She answers on the second ring.

"Hey, Louis. What's up?"

"We have a huge surprise. You need to come over. Like, now" I giggle

"Okay, sure. I"m not busy. I can be there in, uh, 30 minutes. okay?" She asks

"Yes! Perfect! See you soon, lovely!"

"See you soon, Lou!"

35 minutes later, Eleanor rings the doorbell. Harry takes Delilah to the kitchen and I run to open the door. As soon as I do, I'm engulfed in a hug. I laugh and sway as I wrap my arms around my friend.

"How are you?!" She squeals

"great! Come see the surprise! Don't scream too loud" I gin

She follows me into the house. I shout for Harry.

He comes in, Delilah set on his hip, and Eleanor gasps and cups one hand over her mouth

"No... no, wait, did you-" She starts

"We adopted her." Harry says

"Her name is Delilah Anne Styles"

A tear slowly slides down El's cheek and she wipes it away quickly. She steps forwards a little and says, "She's so beautiful, oh my gosh"

"Want to hold her?" Harry asks

"Y-yeah, can I?"

Eleanor sits gently on the couch and Harry shifts Delilah into her arms. The little girl puts her hands in El's hair and twirls it in her fingers. Eleanor grins and says, "Hi... Hi, Delilah"

The baby coos and continues to play with Eleanor's brown hair.

"She's so cute... this is, this is great you guys. Congratulations." El says honestly

"Thanks... we're so excited..." Harry mumbles as he wraps his arm around my waist

"Can I take a picture of you two?" I ask. Eleanor nods. I get my phone out and snap a couple photos of Delilah and her then ask, "Want to see her room? We worked really hard on it"

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now