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Louis Tomlinson

We held each other and cried until we both fell asleep... then, when I woke up, he and all his things were gone. He even took his hoodie and bottle of cologne with him. Every last thing I have to show for him being my boyfriend... is gone. Including him. 

I roll over. My hips sting like hell as I move. I grab my phone from the nightstand and see Eleanor texted.

Eleanor: Hey.. Wanna hang out? Grab lunch or something?

Louis: Yeah, sounds good. Meet someplace??

Eleanor: When and where? 

Louis: Starbucks? It's a nice walk distance from both of us, then we could walk around?

Eleanor: 20 minutes?

Louis: ok. C u soon. 

Louis: Dress cute!

Eleanor: You too! :)

I cringe at myself as I roll off the bed. My bare feet hit the floor. I stand and pain spike up my left side but I ignore it and grab my suitcase to change. I got out a blue/white shirt, dark blue pants, and converses. I put it all on and look at my eyes in the mirror. I look wrecked. Shit.

I search around until i find my glasses. I slip them on then grab my phone. Oh. Niall texted.

Niall: How you holding up?

Louis: not great... but I'm surviving.

Niall: Talk to him?

Louis: Actually, we just got together... and, well, now it's over

Niall: what does that mean?

Louis: we said out goodbyes. We're over. I've got a girlfriend and he needs this life, this job. I'm keeping my word and keeping him safe. That's how it's gotta be.

Niall: You're trying to convince yourself..

Louis: Right. And it's working so far.

Niall: I'm so sorry, mate

Louis: You and Li still good?

Niall: Stronger than ever

Louis: Keep it that way. I've gtg. Meeting Eleanor for coffee

Niall: Do your best :)

Louis: I'll try. Tell Li I said hello. Give him a kiss for me x

Niall: I will x

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now