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Louis Tomlinson

The ride home was fun. We listened to music, talked, laughed, joked... it was great..

The whole thing was great. Thing. Yes. I don't know what else to call it.

"We're lucky there wasn't any paps there, ya know" Harry says


"A lot of well known people eat there." Harry says as he flicks on the turn signal.

"Hm" I hum and glace over at him.

"Why're you driving if you drank?" I ask randomly

"That was over an hour ago that I had my last drink" He explains

I nod and look at the road again. My eyes keep finding him, though. His hand son the wheel, his shoulders, his hair, his lips...

"Thanks for this, Haz" I mumble

I didn't think he heard me at first... but then his hand slipped over into mine. I happily squeezed and he did too. Our hands didn't seperate until we parked at the hotel.

"I seen a couple people standing by the front doors... Think it's paps?" I ask

"Maybe. Not sure. We'll go in the emergency exit. It's on the side of the building." Harry explains.

"Oo, sneaky" i giggle

"Yeah. Gotta get one of the guys to come open it, though. They only open from the inside"

I nod and get out my phone. He watches as I click 'call' on Liam's contact.

"Hey, You guys having fun?" Liam's voice greets

"Yeah, actually, we're back. But possible paps at the front. Come open the emergency exit for us, will you, Li?"

"Uh- I'm- Actually, Busy" He stutters, suddenly getting shy

"What? How so?" I ask

"Just, uh, busy. Put Harry on" He rambles

I roll my eyes and hand my phone over. Harry looks confused but takes it anyways.

"This is H" He announces

I hate only hearing one side of a conversation. Damn.

"Yeah" Harry says calmly

"Okay..." now he sounds suspicious

"Really?" A smile spreads onto his lips

"Finally" he groans

"Yeah, yeah... we'll just risk the paps" I sighs


How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now