Chapter 27

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Its already midnight as jungkook didn't bother to talk or having a fight with tzuyu just like he always did. He straightly going onto the big sofa and laying down there, giving the bed fully for her. Its just.... he still feeling mad and not in a good mood. That's why.

When he act like that, tzuyu feels slightly lonely. Before this, he will always disturb her or even make she mad but now.... the situation become really silent and awkward.

She just laying with a pout and keep staring towards jungkook's direction who didn't care nor glancing to her. Slowly, she fall asleep just like that as he started to glancing towards her.

A deep sigh escape his mouth when he staring onto her like this. He really can't lose her. But, did she feel the same too? Or did she still loving jaehyun?

Oh god tzuyu.... You make me feel want to be a better me and make you as mine forever....

He sighing again while rubbing his face with his palm roughly. Minutes by minutes passed, he still can't fall asleep. His thought keep running with the same questions. Fuck, how can he being like this?

Suddenly, a sobbing and whined could be heard all around the room makes he quickly sit up and gulping ; thinking that it was a ghost! Huh, a cold playboy also afraid of a ghost heh.... O-okay....

His eyes wandering at each corner of the room but the sobbing became more loud. His eyes slightly widened in nervous and afraid. His forehead sweating and his heart beating fastly as if he being chase by something.

"J-jung-k-kook -ah...."


His heart immediately stop beating hardly from afraid, his face switching into a relief one and his head shoot towards her. Its her voices. She was the one that calling for him between her groaned, curling and holding her stomach.

"J-jungkook..."She call for him again weakly as he quickly rushing towards her, sitting on the bed beside her.

"W-what happened?!" He ask in a rush, nervous and also worriness flowing hardly inside his body. He hold her head, cupped her cheeks a little seeing her forehead was sweating hardly, her eyes closing tightly with some tears rolling down onto her cheeks and her hand pressing her stomach too.

"Are you sick?! Where? Want to go to the hospital? Faster! Tell me!" He really in a rush when seeing that condition of her. 

"M-my stomach.... Its hurt..." She sniffing and crying, as she really in pain. Her hiccups and cries even more loud makes he in clueless of what he should do.

"Fuck fuck fuck... How, how how how...!!! Think jungkook think!" He hit his own head, thinking what should he do while walking back and forth beside the bed.

"I....... I will call for mom..???? Can??!! Is it that hurt?! Oh god, im worried!" He scratching his nape and can't even stand still : really showing of how he worried towards her.

She groaned, pouting and sniffing hardly just like a little girl who being scolded by her parents.

"H-hurt....." She mumbled again, tears rolling down like a waterfall, her eyes tightly close in order to hold her pain.

"Fuck." He quickly grabbing her hand, placing it on his shoulder before he tried to lift her up but his actions stops when a hot and sticky water was flowing onto his arm as he accidentally touch her lower ass when he's in a rush just now.

His eyes widened seeing those blood that really strong red!

O-oh.... Y-you're just having your period?

He thought and sighing in relief. He is so relief since its not that she was sick and hurting because something else but actually because of her period. He then look at her who still wearing her pain expression : eyes closed tightly and slightly whined with her lips pouting.

He placing her down on the bed again,stroking her hair away from her face with his lips curled into a tint smile.

"You're having your period, babygirl. Its okay, I will clean this later hm? Right now, wait and hold it for a while and i will going out to buy some hot packs okay?" He said really really softly while playing with her hair makes she nodding her head onto his words. God, this is the most soft words and things ever happened to her from him.

Babygirl? Damn. For the first time he saying this when he's sober and in front of her straightly.

She shock too but for now, she doesn't have any strength to think or to being happy with all of this. Jungkook then just walking to the bathroom, cleaning his arm that having her blood stains before he glancing to her directions and getting out from their room. This is freaking first time for him ; going out, buying something for a girl in the middle of night. No its not night. Its freaking morning! Its 3 AM!!!

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