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Anything bolded is me being sarcastic because there's so much I want to say. 

I'm not writing TW before each chapter because it takes away the edge of surprise. So, TW NOWWWWW BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NO WARNING! FOR THE ENTIRE BOOK there will be blood, maybe death, homophobia, car crash, drinking, concussion (is that a TW???) and other things I'm not sure of. Oh, and TommyInnit, which is the largest TW of them all, because he's TommyInnit. Also, this is a DnF fanfic, meaning relationships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍

George woke up before his alarm. 


I just want sleep!!!!!!!! George cried in his head. He was sick and tired of laying in bed for hours before his alarm went off. But if he got up, his sister would tell his parents that he was up before his alarm again, and they'd get all worried and blah blah blah stupid stuff. 

I'm fine. George would always insist. He hadn't been fine before but... he was fineish now..... 

I'm fine. 

He was fine because he had to be. For his mom, who was struggling with two kids, a new job, and a new place. Because his sister was already enough crap without needing a brother. Because he was 'the man of the house' or whatever. 

I'm fine. 

George got up anyways. 4:30. He was supposed to get up at 6. Uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh.

The next thing he remembered was turning on a lamp, throwing on his hoodie, and reading himself to sleep. 


Is it illegal to kill your sister if it's for a just cause?  was George's first thought in the morning. 

"George, it's seven." his sister, Kate, interrupted George's pitiful attempts at sleeping. 

"What?!" George burst upwards. "Why didn't you wake me up!" 

"Why didn't you wake yourself up?" his sister retorted. "Besides, aren't you ready? You are wearing a hoodie." 

"I'm not even close to ready!" George exclaimed, shoving his sister out of his room. "This isn't what I'm wearing to school." This is the crappy hoodie. I put  it  on for that reason!

"Hurry up!" his sister shouted outside his door. George sprinted around his room, throwing on a different blue hoodie and black pants. He was like a scene in a movie, running around, tugging his shoes on at the top of the stairs, then sprinting downstairs. His mom met him with a smile, and a plate of waffles, his favorite. "Good morning honey!" she greeted.

"Good morning Mom." George replied. Accepting his pancakes, he almost missed his seat and stumbled. His sister snickered. "Spaz." she murmured. 

"So!" His mom interjected before George could spit a retort. "Are you guys excited for school?" 

George shrugged. "It's just school." his sister said, stabbing a waffle. 

"I know." his mom conceded. "But, with everything that's happened I just thought maybe you guys could make some new friends. It wouldn't kill you two to socialize. Especially you, Gogy."

George sighed. "I know." But, deep down, he knew he'd end up alone, in the library, again. 

And did she have to use the word kill?

"Well, eat up! Food's getting cold and you don't want to be late!" his mom cheered. 

George was dropped off at school via the bus. He'd left quickly after, not wanting another lecture on socializing. He loved his mom, with his life, but some days it was hard to hear about why he should be trying to be normal. 

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