George's......arc *sighs*

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I really need you to read this. 

The next few chapters are VERY DARK. There are MAJOR Tw's for suicide, self harm, and negative self talk, as well as bullying, abuse, and a lot of mental shit. I didn't want to spoil this, but I need to make sure you guys are okay. There's nothing but love from me but these topics can't be ignored and if we just pretend they aren't there no one will do anything. 

Also angst flows through my veins. 

I love you all please please please stay safe. 





Geez. I'm at the library. 



George turned his phone off, scared of what exactly Dream was planning, and left the library. He waited outside the doors. 

Dream met him with a large grin. "HI GEORGE HOW ARE YOU I'M GOOD KAY COME ON!"

Dream grabbed George's hoodie and pulled George up the stairs. "WOAH!" George laughed. "Dream! I'm short would you please let me run! Dream! That's my arm you're ripping off! I still like this hoodie! Dream!" 

Dream let out a wheeze at the very top. "I'm sorry, I'm just really excited." 

George looked around. "Where are we?" he asked. "I've never been up here." 

"That's because you never had to be up here." Dream answered. "I'm assuming you're not afraid of heights, right?" 

"Yes?" George said. "Why?" 

Dream opened up a small gray door. "Surprise!" he cried. 

The small door led to the roof, and there was a small blanket resting on the ground. On the blanket was all of George's and Dream's favorite snacks. Dream had also lit candles, and George smiled, remembering when they made fun of how romantic candles were. 

"Awwww, Dreeeeeeeeeeeam, what is all this?" George asked. 

Dream grinned. "Do you like it? We haven't gone on a date in a while so I thought I'd make this." He suddenly looked nervous. "D-Do you like it?" 

George wrapped his arms around Dream's waist. "I love it." he said sincerely. "You are the sweetest boyfriend ever!"

Dream smiled. "I think you have me beat. Come on, let's eat!" 

He and George sat down and dug in. They talked about everything from homework to different facts about themselves. 

When they were done, the sun was starting to set. George looked out. "It's so beautiful." he breathed. 

Dream put his head on George's shoulder. "Not as beautiful as me though, right?" he joked. 

"No." George answered seriously. 

For the first time, George didn't feel sad. He didn't feel like he should stay away, he didn't feel like the world was against him, he didn't feel unsafe in his own head.

Actually, he never felt that way around Dream. Dream never made George feel like a danger to himself and everyone around him. Dream never made George feel like he wasn't enough. George never felt like he might hurt Dream, not anymore. 

And he loved the freedom. The freedom he only felt around Dream.

It was a beautiful escape. From school, family, financials. 


Am I allowed to be free of Ethan? George wondered. 

After everything I've survived? 

After everything that happened? 

After the thousands of nights I spent crying? 

I was so confused.

 I wasn't sure if I was loveable, not after him. 

But Dream....... 

George looked over to where Dream was staring at the skyline. Dream makes me feel loved, safe, happy. 

Everything I never was. 

He'd never hurt me, and I'm doing everything in my power to make sure nothing hurts him. 

I love him. 

George realized that. He loved Dream. Dream was his one, his everything, and George wanted to tell him that. 

"Dream?" George murmured, so quiet that only Dream could have possibly heard him, even if other's were around. 

Should I do this?

I failed Ethan. 

Ethan failed me. 

It was horrible from the start. 

But Dream will never be like that. 

And I love him. 

He needs to know. 

"Yeah Gogy?" Dream asked. 

I'm listening to a fan made Dream lore song with loads of manipulation which is a horrid mood for this scene. 

"I want to tell you something." George whispered. 

I failed Ethan. 

He always told me that. 

But Dream hasn't told me anything like that. 

Dream's gotta feel the same, he did all of this. 

"I-I love you." George whispered. 


I need different music. 

I'm also trying not to cry in CGI. 

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