Hospital time!

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Just a TW for y'all. Lots of medical stuff and things like that. Descriptions....


George slowly opened his eyes. It was horribly bright and it was really white everywhere. There were two blurry figures above him, and they were saying words that sounded garbled and underwater. 

He blinked a few times, trying to clear his head. 

"...orge? George, honey, can you hear me?" 

His eyes finally got used to the light. His mom and sister stood above him. "Oh my gosh you're awake!" his mom said. His sister had tears in her eyes. George looked down and saw both of his legs casted, and one of his arms as well. His head ached and his side burned. 

George looked around. "What?....." he asked. "Where......" he broke off, coughing. His throat was extremely dry. "Water." he begged. "Please." 

His sister nodded, grabbing a cup and filling it with water. "Here." she whispered, helping him drink. 

"What's going on?" George whispered. "Why am I here? Where's..... What happened to Dream?!" 

His mom and sister exchanged a look. "Try to calm down." his mom whispered. 

"Where is he?!" George cried. "What happened to Dream? What happened?!" 

He tried sitting up, pain shooting through him. "STOP!" his sister shouted. 

George froze. His sister never shouted at him. 

"We have to tell you something." 

George froze. No. Nononononono!

"Dream...... passed away two nights ago." 

George blinked. "W-What?!" he stuttered. He started shaking. "He coded and his heart stopped. They couldn't get it started again." his sister explained. 

"No.... No! Nononononono! NO! HE CAN'T! HE CAN'T BE DEAD! HE CAN'T HE CAN'T HE CAN'T!" 

Tears poured from his eyes and he thrashed about, not caring about the pain. His mom tried desperately to keep him still while his sister raced for a doctor. George didn't care anymore. His love, his Dream was dead! He was gone! There was nothing left anymore for him to live for! 

"Hon, I need you to calm down." George's mom said. 

"HE'S DEAD!" George screamed. "WHY?! WHO DID THIS TO HIM?! WHY?! WHY DREAM WHY HIM?!" 

"I know you're upset but you have to calm down you're making it worse." she said. 

George fell back against the pillows, sobbing. "He's dead...." he whispered. 

"I know." his mom said. "I know it hurts. He was such a beautiful boy, George. He made you so happy." 

George sobbed, wrapping his arms around his mom. "I know George." she whispered. "I know." 

"He's dead." she sobbed. "Dream is dead!" 

"I know." 

After a long while, George calmed down enough to breathe without sobbing. "C-Can I just be alone?" he asked. 

By then, a doctor, his sister, and his mom were in his room. "If that's what you want, honey." his mom whispered, quickly ushering everyone out of the room. "We'll be right outside, just call." 

George nodded, but he had no plans. "Mom?" he said. 

"Yes honey?" 

"I love you." 

His mom gave him a watery smile. "I love you too." she whispered. 

George knew that the panel next to his bed controlled the meds he got through his IV. Which meant if he messed with that, he could overload his system. 

He could go back to Dream. 

George pulled himself up. Both of his legs were broken and casted, but that and the pain didn't stop him. He was numb. He was sad. He was so so so tired. 

He just wanted Dream. 

He pressed one button, two, five. For a few minutes nothing happened. Then he started heating up and shaking. His brain felt extremely foggy, and he had no idea what he gave himself, only hoping that it worked. 

After a few minutes of sitting in almost complete agony, George shut his eyes, and watched the world go dark. 

Hee hee!

This is not the end, ma friends. 

Please don't follow anything on this story. You are so loved and you need to stay safe stay happy and stay kind, whatever you have to do (So long as it's good)

I know it's hard, trust me. 



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