Who the hell am I?

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Then there was nothing. Black. Emptiness. 

Where am I? George thought. Is this it?

He struggled, trying to open his eyes, trying to see something besides the pressing black. His body felt numb, incapable of movement. He felt his chest breathing, going up and down, but besides that, he couldn't move. 

Was this what he was left to? This horrible endless darkness? This pressing black of nothing? He didn't want this! He wanted Dream! 

George tried again, desperately trying to see something of where he was. He pressed harder out of unconsciousness. Finally, his eyelids fluttered. 


George heard a voice. "George! You can do this! You can wake up! Come on man. Come on, just open your eyes!" 

"It's me! It's Dream! I'm here. I'm here for you! You just have to open your eyes!"


George tried again. He felt his eyelids flutter. Finally, his eyes opened. 

First, it was just searing white and blinding lights. There was an obnoxious beeping, and someone standing over him. George blinked a few times, trying to get everything into focus. 

"George! You're awake! Sapnap, go get the doctor." 

Sapnap? George thought. Wasn't Sapnap unconscious? 

"George? Can you hear me? It's me. It's Dream!" 

George's vision finally focused. In front of him was Dream. He was wearing a white smiley face mask over his nose and mouth, and his eyes stared into George's eagerly. He was wearing the yellow hoodie George had come to know and love. 

"D-Dream?" George croaked. "Where....... What......." 

Dream smiled. "Um.... H-hi?" 

"Where am I?" George demanded. "What's going on?" 

He coughed. "Can I get some water?" 

Dream nodded. "Yeah. Of course. Sorry. You must be so confused!" He ran over to the sink and grabbed George a cup, helping him drink it. George tried to sit up, and Dream helped him with that too. "What happened? Why do you look...... older?" 

Dream really did. He didn't look like the high school junior George had fallen in love with. He was taller, older- about mid-twenties or so- and even had a little stubble growing, from what George could see around the mask. He also looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes and messed up hair. 

Dream sighed. "You've been in a coma for six months, George." 

George's eyes widened. "What?" he said. "But...... But that doesn't make sense! We were in high school! You and me and Sapnap and Bad and Skeppy! What about Tommy? He was dying, Dream. And you....... You were dead!" 

George looked at Dream with pleading eyes. "Are you dead?" 

Dream shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of." 

Then a doctor came in. "Hello George. My name is Dr. Smith. How do you feel." 

"I don't know." George murmured. "Last I checked, Dream didn't have a beard, so that's strange." 

Dream and the doctor exchanged a look. "Uh.... Gogy?" Dream asked. "How old do you think you are?" 

"Sixteen." George answered. "And you're seventeen." 

Dream frowned. "Uh... George? I'm twenty-five." 

"And you're twenty-four." 

George blinked. "What?" he breathed. 

"George, you're a streamer. Don't you remember, Georgenotfound?" 

George blinked. In an odd sense, he did remember, but it was like remembering a character's story. It wasn't his it was someone else's. 

Wasn't it? 

"I......" George trailed. "I don't know." 

The doctor came forward. "It's incredibly likely that in your coma your brain came up with an alternate reality." 

Dream smirked jokingly. "George, you were in an AU!" 

George looked down. That AU was beautiful.... 

His memories were slowly coming back. Georgenotfound, the SMP, graduating high school, his parents..............

The fact that everyone in his AU was real. 

"Wait...." George said. "What about Ethan? Who was he?" 

Dream looked confused. "Your..... You must be talking about your brother, George." 

"You never told us." Sapnap said. George (and the author) kind of forgot he was there. "You just told us he'd died." 

George's memory came forward. "Suicide...." he whispered. 

Dream's eyes widened. "Seriously?! When? Why didn't you tell us?!" 

"I didn't want you guys to know. I didn't want anyone to know. I thought I'd failed him." George answered. "So none of that was real? You're not dead?!" 

"Nope!" Dream smiled. "And neither are you! I'm so happy!" 

George searched through all his memories of Dream. There was nothing of a relationship, anything, beyond friends. They weren't together, and George hadn't even realized he'd felt that way. 

Until now. 

How would he be able to say anything, when he wasn't even sure if Dream felt the same? AU Dream was easier, his flirting was obvious. Real life Dream, that's a whole other battle. 

He didn't give any implications, but maybe, just maybe he felt the same. Maybe George could rebuild a little of what he'd lost. What was in his AU. 

Not now though. First he needed to figure out his own life. 


No one's dead! 

Are you crying? Did you cry? 

Anywho, stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 

You. Are. Loved!!!!!!


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