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When George came up for air, Dream had a massive grin. 

"I-I-" George stopped as Dream pulled him in again. Dream couldn't help himself. He'd finally gotten it, he'd finally won. 

He finally won George's heart. 

"Dream..." George laughed. 

Dream kissed up and down George's neck. "Don't speak." he whispered. "You don't have to." 

"Dream!" George laughed. 

"Shhh." Dream said, kissing him again. 

"Dream, it's raining and I'm freezing." George said. 

Dream looked up. He hadn't been paying attention. The rain was pouring. "Oh..." he murmured. 

George laughed. "Come on." he said, grabbing Dream's sweatshirt and pulling him into the back of the truck. 

Dream fell onto the seat, George on top of him. Dream kissed him, again and again, over and over. George's wet, cold body was on top of George. 

And Dream loved it.

You know how with special people you just seem to fit together when you snuggle? That's how it felt. George's small body fit perfectly with Dream's. Dream loved that. Dream always loved that. 

However they were on top of a car seat, which were small. Soon, George fell to the floor.

"Oh shit!" Dream cried. 

George laughed. "Can you help me up?" 

Dream couldn't help but crack up. There was George, his (boyfriend? Friend? Lover?) scrunched up in between the two seats. 

Dream grabbed George's hand and pulled him up, then opened the door and dragged him out into the rain. 

Dream couldn't help it, he kissed George again. 

George pulled away. "You are adorable, but I'm freezing and soaked." 

Dream laughed.

He drove George home. 

"Wait," George asked. "Do you have to leave?" 

Dream smiled. "No... What do you have in mind?" 

George laughed. "I'm hungry. Let me change.... then we can get some food?" 

Dream couldn't stop smiling. "Food sounds good." 

He had no idea why, but George laughed as he left the car. 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now