To my DnF babies

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Check out this cool fanart my friend gave me. Not hers, not mine. Still cool and props to the artist. 

I also just called my friends DnF babies so that's where the title came from. Thx for so much inspiration you guys!!!!!!! <3

Anyways....... Tw; Recapping the last few chapters kinda so suicide and stuff. Lotta crying. Mentions of self harm.

And way too much love to people I know from me. 

Dream let George go home Saturday afternoon, but only after he promised a thousand times that he wasn't going to do anything. 

He was fine now. 

And Dream made George swear to talk to his mom..... 

This is going to be fun. 

George opened the door. "Mom? I'm home!" he called. 

"Hi honey! I'm in the kitchen!" his mom called. 

George walked into the kitchen. He was shorter than his mom and his sister, which annoyed him. He was short, tiny man. 

He didn't say anything, and his mom's back was turned. George started to cry, and his mom turned. "Oh! George! What's wrong honey? What's going on?" 

George just walked up to her and hugged his mom close. "I love you so much." he whispered. He felt so guilty. How could he have ever thought to leave her? 

"I-I love you too." his mom said. "Georgie, are you alright? What's going on baby?" 

I made George's mom so much like my own. You'll probably never read this but mom I love you so much!!!!

"I....... Mom I'm so sorry!" George sobbed. "I'm so so sorry I swear I was just in a bad place and I made a dumb decision and I love you so so so much!" 

"Oh honey...." his mom said. "Why don't you tell me what happened? Take a breath, I promise it's going to be okay." 

"I......" George sobbed. "I was hanging out with Clay and he said something that upset me and I ran off and then these other kids stole his phone and sent me a text from him saying that I was worthless and stuff so I got into a really really bad place and....." 

"And what happened?" his mom asked. "Did you...." 

"No." George whispered. "I didn't cut myself again. I was going to jump off a cliff." 

George sobbed again and his mom held him close. "Baby it's okay. It's alright. Shhhh. You're safe now. You're safe. You didn't though, you're okay." 

"I only didn't because Clay told me it wasn't him who sent those texts. If he hadn't......" George sobbed again. 

"I know. But you're going to be okay. Look at me." George's mom instructed. She held George's head and made him look at her. "We're going to get you help, okay? We're going to get you some help. I promise. You won't have to feel like this for the rest of your life." 

George nodded. "I'm sorry." 

"You don't have to be. You have nothing to apologize for." his mom sighed. "Georgie? Can I ask you..... Why did Clay saying these things, when you thought it was him...... why did it hurt so much? Why were you about to kill yourself?" 

"I..... I told him I loved him." George whispered. "He hesitated because he was scared and I ran. I was hurt and....... um...... I've heard those words before." 

His mom cocked her head. "What do you mean?" she asked. 

"I..... I never told you but...... sometimes Ethan would be really angry...... I don't know why but he'd send me messages......... and some of them were really bad." 

"What would the messages say?" George's mom inquired. 

George hesitated. Nothing ever hurt so much when it was read or thought or done, but when it was said to someone else, aloud, things got so much worse and sounded so much worse. 

"It was a lot of, um, how I wasn't good enough for anyone and how Ethan didn't even think I was worth anything and a lot like that. A few nights before he......... passed, it was really bad. He told me to just kill myself. The message from Clay's phone said the same thing." 

"Wow." George's mom whispered. "George, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you say anything?" 

"He always told me no one would ever believe me. That everyone thought the same and I was alone." George replied. 

"Georgie....." his mom murmured. "I would always believe you. I'm your mom. That's my job." 

"I'm doing okay now." George promised. 

"But you still need help. And maybe I haven't been here enough for you. It's just been hard and...... I'm sorry." his mom apologized. 

"No mom!" George cried. "You're the greatest parent I could ask for and I wish I could tell you that!" 

"Thank you baby." George's mom kissed his forehead. "Are you going to be okay going to school Monday?" 

George smiled. "I'll be alright. I have Dream." 

Hey, so remember a long time ago how I said when George was mad at Dream my narraration would call him Clay? 

Notice how I didn't do that when George was suicidal? 

Yeah, that's called an author hint. 

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