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This is the events of the night after. 

I keep messing up and calling Dream Clay. WE ARE NOT MAD AT HIM MY BRAIN IS JUST TIRED! 

If you see Clay please let me know!!!

Dream woke up because George was fidgeting. 

"Are you alright, George?" he asked. 

"No." George whispered. "No. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't- Dream! Dream, I'm sorry! It's not my fault! No! Wait! Please!"

"George?" Dream whispered. "George! Wake up George!" 

George kept shaking. "No! Dream, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! It wasn't my fault! Please! Dream! Please!" 

"George!" Dream pleaded, shaking George. He didn't care if he hurt him anymore. He just wanted to wake George up. "George come on! Wake up!" 

"Don't.... Leave.... Me...." 


"Wha-?" George wondered, his eyelids fluttering open. 

"George?" Dream asked. "You were having a nightmare. You were saying weird things." 

George held Dream's gaze for a second, then he started to cry. 

"Oh, George. It's okay. It's alright. It's over now. I promise. It's over." Dream held George closer to his chest, letting him cry into his shirt. "Please, don't cry. It's okay. You can talk about it. It's alright." 

"Don't say that!" George cried. "It's not okay! Nothing is okay!" 

"Shhhh. I know. I know. It's.... What's wrong, George?" Dream tried his best to comfort George. 

"I..... I can't talk about it." George stuttered. "I'm sorry.... It's just hard for me.... I just can't. Not yet." 

"Okay." Dream reassured him. "It's alright." He couldn't help but be worried, at least a little. 

"What did I say?" George asked. 

"Uh... 'I'm sorry, no, It's not your fault?' George what's not your fault?" 

"I'm sorry Dream." George apologized. "I just can't talk about it. I just...... I just can't." 

"Okay." Dream said again. "That's okay. Come here." 

George turned around and came closer, until Dream was spooning him. "You mean so much to me, you know that?" 

George nodded, sniffling. 

"Good. Now, go back to sleep. You need sleep to heal. And it won't hurt if your asleep." 

"Just, promise you won't let go." George whispered. 

"I will never let go, I promise."  

And he didn't. 

The whole night he didn't. He had a hard time sleeping that night, but he kept watching George sleep. 

He is not a stalker, he is a concerned boyfriend who already sucks at falling asleep and really wants vengeance. He stayed up most of the night watching George in case he had another nightmare and fantasizing about beating up Jason. 

Somehow, he was able to fall asleep at about 4 am. 


Dream woke up to George snuggled on his chest and Sapnap snapping a picture. 

Dream glared at Sapnap's camera and smirk. "Fuck off man." 

"Awww. Did Dweamy not get good sleep? Is he going to be cwanky?" Sapnap laughed. "I got to say, you looked mad comfy from over here." 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now