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That night George went home. 

Well, he should have been home hours ago, but he might have been avoiding it, mostly his mom, and an explanation of the black eye, but he couldn't hide forever. So he had Dream drop him off. 

"Good luck." Dream said when George got out. 

"You're not coming in?" George asked. 

Dream laughed. "And deal with your mom's questions? Absolutely not. Sorry dude, you're on your own." 

George slammed the door shut, joking around. 

He took a deep breath before walking through the door. 

"George!" his mom yelled. He was engulfed in a bear hug. 

"Hi mom." he said into her shoulder. 

She quickly held him at arm's length, examining all of him. "Are you okay? Did you eat? Is that a black eye? What happened?" 

"I'm fine." George replied. 

His sister poked her head through the hallway. "Nice of you to show up." she left. 

"What happened?" his mom demanded again. 

"I told you, we got into a fight." 

"Why?!" his mom asked. "What happened?" 

"Um.... Mom, I need to tell you something." George said. 


"I'm dating Clay." 

His mom shrugged. "Okay." she said. George's mom knew George was gay, so this wasn't a big revelation. "He didn't beat you up, right?" 

"What?! No! Clay's nice!" George insisted. "Basically, I was laying on him at the football game and these other kids came along and beat us up because of previous events. That's all that happened, and then we crashed at Wilbur's. I was safe, I promise."

His mom sighed. "Okay, but you should still get some ice a few times today. Now and after dinner. Tomorrow too. We'll try to get the swelling down. Are you comfortable going to school?" 

George nodded. "I've got my friends. They'll protect me."


Filler chapterrrrrrrrrr

There's going to be a few of thoseeeeee

So yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Also, I really need cover art. Any suggestions? 

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