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Gotta admit, George is a much more built character in my mind and has gone through the most past trauma so............ a lot of the chapters will be in his POV. Not sorry. 

Also if you can't tell by now, I'm less of a fluff person and more of a constant ANGST person so....... have fun with that I guess. :)

Also the only reason Dream types in emoticons is because one of my friends do it and I make fun of them and because I'm too lazy to go looking for emojis on a laptop. 

Question, how do you write football scores?


George got a text from Dream that Friday. 


I miss you. :(

George rolled his eyes. 


Told you you shouldn't have helped me


Ay! >:( We talked about this. I don't regret anything.

I just haven't seen you in a while. Want to go to the game with me?


Wait what?

George was really confused. The football game? Tonight? The one Dream was banned from?


XD Come on. I know it's not your thing but we could see the boys play and get food afterwards (Or during if they're really bad without me :) What do you say?


I'd love to but aren't you banned?


I'm banned from PLAYING, never said anything about watching. Pwease Georgie? I miss you <3


Dude learn emojis idiot. It's not 2002

Fine. I'll go with u

You didn't have to beg, btw. It was cute tho.


:)  (Smiley face out of spite, bitch) YES!!!!! I'll pick you up at 6. Your house. Don't eat anything, we'll get dinner there.


😆 Okay Dweamie.


Bye Georgie!

George rolled his eyes, closing his locker. Only Dream would say goodbye in texts. 

Only Dream.

You don't deserve him.

You'll only hurt him. 

He'll only hurt you.

He's already hurt you.

The break, the fall, the pain. 

The blood, so much blood so much blood all over him his face his clothes so much blood. 

Ethan, why did you have to leave me?

Everybody leaves you.

Should have saved him.

Should have been faster. 

Why wasn't I faster. 

George ran out of school, trying to escape the thoughts and trying to get tonight to come faster. 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now