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George immediately ran out of the bathroom. 

He ran as far and fast as he could, just trying to get away, trying to forget what he saw. His thoughts kept racing. Dream and Jessica? Why? Did Friday mean nothing to him?

Was he too drunk to remember?

How could he have forgotten?

Why did I let it mean something to me? 

Why did I let him mean something to me?

Why would he do that?

Why did I let him hurt me?

Why did I let him close?

I knew, I knew he'd hurt me.

Clay and Jessica. Jessica and Clay. I mean nothing to him. 

Suddenly, George tripped, almost falling on his face. He would have too, if Karl wasn't there and caught him. Sapnap was right behind Karl. 

"What the honk?" Karl asked, looking into George's crying eyes. "What's wrong?" 

"Clay- was- he- he was- k-kissing Jessica!" George sobbed. 

Karl and Sapnap exchanged a look. Karl must have told him about Friday night, what he'd seen. Sapnap looked ticked. "I'm going to go.... knock some sense into that green bitch." he ran off, the way George had come from. 

Karl hugged George, letting him cry. "Shhh, it's okay. Come on, come with me." 

Karl led George into the parking lot and into his car. "Alright, what happened?" 

"I told you!" George cried. "He was kissing Jessica!"

"I know." Karl said steadily. "But what happened? How much did you see? Where? What happened?"

George took a shaky breath. "I- I just had to go to the bathroom. I walk in, and Jessica's all over Clay. I waited for him to push her off but.... he kissed her back. I ran." 

"Like you should have." Karl reassured. "I'm just shocked. When Dr- Clay was kissing you, Friday, he... it wasn't like other times."

"Well, apparently it was to him." George muttered. 

Karl gave him a sympathetic look. Then he put the car in drive. "I'm taking you to 7-11. We need sugar. What do you want to do about Clay?" 

"I want to punch him, Karl." George said. 

Karl gave him a skeptical look. 

"But mostly, I want to hit myself." George admitted. 

Karl frowned. "Why?" he asked. 

"Because I knew this would happen!" George exclaimed. "I knew I would get hurt again." 

I love you, George. 

You mean everything to me, George. 

Being without you breaks my heart, George.


George sobbed, jolting back to the present. He hit the dashboard with his hand. "I knew he would do this again!" he cried. "I knew I would get hurt again! I knew Clay would hurt me! He promised, he swore to me he'd never hurt me! He promised Karl!" 

I'll be yours forever, I promise. 

Ethan, why did you leave me?

"George," Karl asked. "I need you to be honest with me. Why are you saying again?" 

And George broke. He sobbed. "I just.... I can't right now, okay? Just take me home. I just want to go home." 

Karl nodded. He took George home, not even stopping at 7-11. George ran upstairs, not answering his sister. She didn't knock on his door. He knew she wouldn't. 

He spent the entire afternoon in his room, never leaving, ignoring his phone, until he finally fell asleep. 

533 words. Meh, just a quick filler. Next two chapters get beautiful, promise promise. 

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