Heartbreaker, dream maker, love taker

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Me in the corner rereading my work thinking none of this mattered in the end. 

Soon several members of the SMP were in George's room. 

"We're so happy you're awake, muffin!!!!" Badboyhalo shouted. "We missed you!" 

"It's good to see you." George smiled. "It's good to see all of you." 

Technoblade, Dream, Tommy, Tubbo, Philza, Sapnap, Skeppy, Bad, Sam, and Ranboo were all in the room, making it seem really small. "We're happy you're awake, nerd." Techno said. 

"Happy to see you too." George rolled his eyes. 

"We, uh... We missed you being around." Sapnap said. 

George rolled his eyes. "You guys are so fuckin' awkward." he said. "Reminds me of...." he trailed off. 

"What's up, George?" Dream asked. 

"N-Nothing." George stuttered. "I'm still having a hard time remembering what happened. Can someone catch me up?" 

Phil nodded. "There was a crash. A car crash. You were driving in a taxi and someone blasted through a red light. You've been in a coma for six months. In which, your mind created an alternate reality you've been living in. 

George nodded. "You were all innit." he said. 

"Oh?" Sapnap smirked. "Were we at least good looking?" 

"Sure." George muttered. Some more than others. 

He looked at Dream. Why was it he felt something towards Dream? Why now? He'd read a thousand AU's of Dreamnotfound, and that never sparked anything. So why now? Why did he feel something? 

And how the hell was he supposed to tell them? 

"Why is that your question?" Tommy demanded. "I wanna know what kind of shit went on in your AU!" He sat at the foot of George's bed. 

George smiled sheepishly. "It was like we were all back in high school together or something." he replied. 

Technoblade laughed. "That's great. We were all a bunch of nerds, I assume." 

"Meh. Y'all were jocks. I sucked at sports." George answered, blushing. 

"Hot." Sapnap remarked. 

George blushed harder. 

I can't do this. I have to tell him. 

George opened his mouth, but no words came out. He couldn't do this either. He couldn't tell Dream everything! 

It was like there was a bubble over his throat. No words were coming out, especially the ones he needed to say. 

"George?" Sam asked. "Is something wrong?" 

George shook his head. "I'm fine." he immediately said. Oh great, now the bubble popped. 

"Do you want to say something?" Ranboo asked. 

"I-I kinda n-need to talk to Dream alone for a minute." George stuttered out. Sam nodded, guiding everyone else out of the room. "We'll be right outside if you need us." 

Dream sat on George's bed. "What's up?" he asked. 

George sighed. "I....." 

"When I was comatose, in my AU.... We were all in high school, right? And you know, uh....." 

George trailed. "You can tell me anything, Georgie. I won't judge." Dream smiled gently. 

"But that's the thing is.... I can't! I can't because it'll make everything awkward and I don't even know if you feel the same or...." 

"Same about what?" Dream asked. "Oh George.... No....." 

George lowered his head like a scared animal. "In my AU... we were together. I was so mentally destroyed and you helped me and now...." 

"Now I can't stop thinking about you like that. I can't stop fantasizing about when we were together. I can't stop thinking about you, or who you were... Even now! I didn't realize it before, but I realized." 

"I love you, Dream." 

"And it's okay if you don't feel the same. I understand. Hell, it took me a coma to realize my feelings for you. I just wanted you to know because you deserve to. You're kind, sweet, funny and you deserve the best and I want to be with me but if there's someone else better for you then I'll understand. I'll understand Dream because you deserve that! You deserve the best in everything you do and I want nothing else and-" 

"OH MY GOD STOP!" Dream shouted. 

George froze. "Stop." Dream whispered. "Stop. I can't handle this right now. I can't do this right now. Not now. Not here!" 

"I just wanted you to know..." George mumbled, fidgeting with the edge of the blanket nervously. 

Dream squeezed the bridge of his nose. "This cannot be happening." he said. "This cannot- This is just an after effect from your coma. From your AU! This isn't how you truly feel! It's just like you said yourself! This is from your coma, it isn't real!" 

"But what if it is?" George asked. "What if it is really real?" 

"It can't be!" Dream said. "What will people think?" 

"I don't care what people think!" George cried. "I only care what you think! Just tell me how you feel!" 

"I don't know!" Dream shouted. "Give me a second to process, please!" 

George nodded. "I'm sorry." he whispered. "I shouldn't have even told you. I just wanted you to know. It's been eating me up." 

"I get that...." Dream trailed. "I just..... I don't know how I feel. This is impossible. I..... I do care about you, George. I do!" 

"But I don't feel that way about you." 


Cliffhanger out of spite. (You know who you are) 

Anywho, stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



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