Dream (this is probably not needed)

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Mostly fluff, character building, first few chapters stuff because this is needed... ish.

Okay okay okay. 

Dream knew he was acting a little weird over George. He'd only just met the guy. Yet in the span of one day he'd called him cutie (Which Dream was totally joking about and totally overthinking), given him a concussion, and driven him home. In the span of one day. 

I don't like him. I can't like him. I shouldn't like him.

Dream walked into his house. 

"You're late." his dad grunted. 

"I'm not past curfew." Dream answered. "So I'm fine."

"What took you so long?" his dad demanded. 

Dream's mom came up behind his dad. She put her arm around Dream's dad's waist. "Oh, you know him and his friends. It's their tradition, remember?" 

Dream's dad grunted. 

"Alright, well, um, I have some introductory homework to get done." Dream ran into his room. 

His room was massive. The upstairs attic, with a bathroom. Honestly, on weekends, Dream spent days up here, not even coming downstairs for food because he had a secret stash of candy and sugar. Dream could survive a few days without water. 

My friends will yell at me about this so please drink water. (Hypocritical I'm so thirstyyyy)

Dream flopped on his bed. Homework, text Sapnap, make sure classes are set up... sign up for football, still. CRAP FOOTBALL!

Dream thrust upwards. Football tryouts were starting soon. Dream was definitely going to make it but only if he signed up first! 

He ran over and slid his macbook out of his backpack. He quickly got on his website and signed up for football. 

Another year, another game. 

Another chance to destroy. 

Dream was so happy he'd remembered to sign up. He had a hard time remembering things he needed to do, often putting them into his phone or writing to do lists on his hand. His parents were often harping on him about his forgetfulness, but how was Dream supposed to teach himself to remember shit?

Anyways, Dream went to bed, happy he was able to make friends and living in his perfect world. 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now