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George woke up to a hand over his mouth. 

"Hmm? HMM!" George muffle-shouted. 

"Shhhh." someone shushed. It was Dr- Clay. "It's just me. Calm down." 

George glared at Clay, shoving his hand away. "Why are you in my house? What are you doing here."

Clay grinned. "I have a surprise. Come on." Clay dragged George out of his bed. 

"It is one a.m. Clay. Why?!" 

"Shhhhh." Clay hurriedly shushed George, covering his mouth again and looking around the room. "Okay. We're good." He lowered his hand. "Your mom and sister made me promise not to wake them up. But your mom does know where we're going, I swear. We're not sneaking out." 

"Why the hell should I go anywhere with you?" George asked. 

Clay looked down. "I know. I get that you're mad at me. But George, I swear. Jessica means nothing to me. She's just a filler." 

"Why should I believe you?" George scoffed. 

"You shouldn't. I'd get it if you didn't. But I'm just here, hoping that you'll give me a night to make it up to you." 

George sighed. "If I'm tired tomorrow I'm going to be all pissy, and I don't want that. I'm going to bed." 

He tried to lay back down, hoping Clay would leave. Clay didn't let go of George's wrist and George couldn't wiggle out of his grip.

"Listen, can't we at least talk?" 

"I don't want to talk." 

"Then.... listen. Just for tonight. I promise, I'll prove myself." 

George sighed. "One night." he said. 

Clay grinned. "One night. If you hate me tomorrow..... You won't hate me tomorrow. I just need this to prove myself." 

George looked into Dream's hopeful yellow eyes. "Fine." he muttered. 

Clay smiled. "Come on!" he whisper-cheered, dragging George out of his room. 

Clay unlocked his truck. "Get in." he said. 

Clay got into the driver side. "Okay, here it goes. I want to give you something." 

"A knife to stab me in the back? Want me to turn?" George couldn't help but retort. 

Clay's eyes dipped down, a little bit of his kid-like energy leaving him. "Yeah, that's fair. Look George, I need to admit something..." 


"When I was kissing Jessica...." Clay seemed to have a hard time getting the words out. 


"I imagined it was you." 

George froze. "W-what?" 

"In my head, I wasn't kissing Jessica. I was kissing you, George. I may have been drunk Friday but I still remember the first and best kiss of my life. The one I shared with you." 

Clay hung his head, not meeting George's eyes. "I'm so sorry. I was so worried about what my parents and the people at school and what everyone would think. Everyone expects me to be some perfect kid and..... in my parents eyes this is imperfect. But today, Sapnap made me realize, I don't give a fuck about them. I would rather have the entire world judging me than lose you." 

"And I almost lost you today."

"Sapnap helped me realize all I needed was you, Gogy." 

All I need is you.

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