School..... yayyy.....

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I listen to way too much music. Here's another good song! Better Price; Boxty

The next day Dream met George at the front of his house. 

"I'm taking you to school." he said. 

"And what if I already have someone super special taking me to school because they're the coolest?" George asked with a smile.

"Oh you do? Who's cooler than me?" Dream gave him a mock pout. 

"Oh, just this really cool guy named Clay. He's super sweet and funny and he's actually my boyfriend." George smiled. 

"Oh he is? Lucky guy." Dream and George jumped into the car. 

"Yeah, he is. I am too." George smirked and they both laughed. "I think that is the most narcissistic thing I've ever said." 

"That is definitely the strangest conversation I've had." Dream laughed. 

George smiled. "Oh really? What about when you and Sapnap walked into the pottery class just so you and him could make some hardened clay jokes?" 

Dream wheezed. "Yeah, okay, that's still top. Close second." 

Bad, Sapnap, Karl, Skeppy, Wilbur, Technoblade for some reason, and Quackity met the two boys at the front of the school. "George!" Bad yelled, running forward with a large smile and a hug. 

George shot Dream a suspicious look and Dream flinched. George accepted Bad hug. "How are youuuuuuuuuuu?" Bad asked. 

"I'm fine." George replied. "Are you?" 

"Of course muffin!" Bad replied. 

Sapnap came up from behind Bad. "Uh.... hi." he said awkwardly. The other's just kind of stood there. 

George smiled. "Hi?" he said. "Is there something going on? Y'all are acting than normal." 

"No we're not!" Wilbur said quickly with a smile. Techno face palmed. "I'm fine!" Wilbur added. "I'm fine, Sap's fine, we're all fine right Dream?" 

Dream just had his face in his hand and was shaking his head. "Idiots." he murmured. 

"Can I.... talk to Dream alone real quick?" George asked, not waiting for an answer before dragging Dream by the sleeve into the school. 

"Of course!" Quackity chirped. 

George shut the door and looked at Dream. Dream looked nervous and he was fidgeting. 

"You told them, didn't you." George said. 

Dream sighed. "They're really fucking obvious huh?" 

George laughed. "Yeah, kind of." 

"Are you mad?" Dream asked quickly. "I didn't tell them anything about Ethan, I swear! I just wanted you to be safe but I shouldn't have said anything! I betrayed your trust and I'm really sorry I swear I just wanted you to be safe please don't be mad Gogy!" 

George watched Dream beat himself into a panic. "Are you done?" he asked. 

Dream nodded. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told them." 

"It's fine." George replied. "Honestly. I didn't want to tell them but I did want them to know. It's hard to just bring something like that up to friends, especially when they're all joking around all the time. You just made my life easier." 

"You promise?" Dream asked. "Swear you're not mad?" 

"Nope." George smiled. "Stay here. I'll be right back." 

When George came back he had the rest of the gang behind him. "Okay." George said. "So Dream told you I tried to commit suicide, right?" 

Everyone nodded. "Were we that obvious?" Sapnap asked. 

"Yes." Dream and George said at the same time. 

"Anyways." George continued. "I promise, I'm doing better now. I assume he told you why with the whole text thing? Yeah..... But I'm better now and honestly you guys don't have to do any of that sympathetic shit. Acting like your normal selves is probably the best thing." 

Everyone just kind of looked at each other, not sure what to say. Then Techno of all people broke the silence. He shuffled forward and put an arm around George, giving him a really awkward side hug. "I hope you know I'm going to kill them." he deadpanned. "Blood for the blood god." 

George looked uncomfortable. "Thank you? I think..." Everyone laughed. 

"Man am I glad we don't have to go through that whole thing." Skeppy said. "Mental shit? Really not my thing." 

"Language!" Bad said. 

"Seriously though." Wilbur added. "We are all here for you, and we're going to protect you from Jessica and Jason and those bitches." 


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