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This is the infamous party chapter I'm able to find in every DnF fanfic. I'll have a couple though. Fair warning, TW drinking and.... TommyInnit bum bum bum!!!!!!!!!

Also timeskip a couple of weeks.

Quackity walked up to George after school on a Friday a few weeks after the first day of school, so George was healed. 

"HEY MAMACITAAAAAA!!!!" Quackity hollered, startling George. 

"Ah!" George jumped, dropping one of his books on his foot. They were at his locker. "What the hell, man?" he asked, stooping to grab the book. 

Quackity made it first, picking it up and handing it to George in a smooth motion. "Here. Also, I'm having a party!"

"Oh?" George asked, shoving his books in his locker. 

"YEAHAH MAMACITA!" Quackity cheered. "And I want YOU there!" 

"Who the fuck gave you sugar?" George asked. "And, why me?" 

"Well, because you're my friend, you may actually socialize, and," Quackity stopped counting on his fingers to wiggle his eyebrows at George. "Drrreeeeeeeaam will be there." 

George shut his locker door a little harder than he meant to. "And?" he asked. 

Quackity frowned. "I... thought you might like to see him????"

"I would, but I see him at school." 

"I'm not going to convince you." Quackity said firmly. "But I know where you live. I'll just get Dream and Snapmap to come kidnap you tonight. See you at seven."

He walked away, and George couldn't help but laugh. His friends were idiots. 

Karl slid next to him. "HEY!!!!"

George jumped. "You guys really need to stop doing that." 

"Are you going to Quackity's party tonight?" Karl asked with a grin. "I'm going!"

"Uh, yeah, I guess." George answered. "I still have to ask my mom but-"

"Oh yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah." Karl cheered. "I'll see you there! Dream will pick you up!" 

He ran off.

"What the... whatever." George shrugged. He pulled out his phone to text his mom. 


Hey, mom. Sounds like a couple of my friends are going to one of my friends house for a party tonight. Do you care if I go?


Of course, hon! It's great your finally socializing! Where is it?


It sounds like Dream is picking me up. But Quackity's house is where it's at.

George had gone to Quackity's once before, so his mom knew where it was. 


Ooh, Clay. He's such a nice kid, I'm glad you're making friends with him. Of course you can go!


Thanks mom, I should be picked up around seven so I'll be home first. 

"Hey!" Dream shouted. 

George jumped again. "What is wrong with you people!?" he shouted. 

Dream looked confused. "What?" 

"You are the third person to come up to me and yell in my face as a greeting." George replied. 

"Are you going to Quackity's?" Dream asked. 

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