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Yes I know I suck at anything fluffy. But here we are I guess. Oh, TW, throwing up so........ yay. 

Hey, this art isn't mine. I'm trying really really really hard to find the actual art. The title art link will be put up ASAP I promise. 

And if you made this, please let me know I'm strugglingggggg. 

Ay, look at me with an actual title. 

Dream shut his locker with a sigh, leaning his head against the door. 

He felt like shit. His stomach was super sick and his head felt warm. His brain was foggy and his limbs ached. But he still had to go to school since his parents would never believe he was sick. So here he was, suffering, even though he was pretty sure he'd gotten the stomach bug that had been flying around school. 

"Dream?" a concerned George asked, coming up from behind Dream. Dream turned and George saw his exhausted eyes. "Are you okay?" 

He tried to wrap his arms around Dream's waist, but Dream stepped away. 

Dream saw hurt flit across George's face. "I'm sorry." Dream whispered. "I just don't feel good right now, I don't want to get you sick." 

George frowned. "Uh... why are you here? Dream, you should be home. You're sick!" 

Dream winced as his stomach let out another noise. George, despite Dream's protests, wrapped his arms around Dream's waist and hugged him close. "Go home." he murmured. "You're sick, I can tell." 

Dream shook him off. "Please, George. Stay away. I don't want to get you sick. Okay?" 

George looked sad. "I'm taking you to the nurse. You're going home. I don't care what you say." 

"My parents will be mad." Dream muttered. 

George sighed. "I don't care. They can take it up with me. This is how everyone said it starts, then they throw up. You don't want to throw up in class, do you?" 

Dream shook his head. 

"Then you need to go home, now. Okay? Come on, let's go." George started pulling Dream towards the nurse, despite his protests. 

Once they got there and George made sure Dream called someone to pick him up, George left. 

He got a text fourth period. 


You were right, I threw up almost as soon as I got home. Thank you, Georgie. 


Of course, what are good boyfriends for? Get some rest, Dream, I swear. 


Yes mom.

George smiled. 

And ignored the fact that hugging Dream probably wasn't the best idea, since whatever this stomach bug was was super contagious. 


I think I already said this, but when I'm sick, I mostly just say mmmmmmmmmm so.... George does. 

George is also an idiot. 

At about one a.m. that night, George woke up feeling like crap. 

His stomach felt like it was fighting itself inside George. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." George complained. He curled up into a ball, hoping to sleep through the pain. 

I hope I'm not sick. he thought. 

His stomach made a strange noise, and pain shot through George's body. 

Promise You'll Never Let Go? Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now